


Author Journal 23rd – 29th June 2022


Hiya 👋

I had hoped to share a decent leap in my progress this week, but alas, that was not to be.

Review 16th – 22nd June 2022

Here’s what last week’s goal looked like:

To get the editing done, I needed to write brand new versions of scenes 1, 2, and 4 and a rewrite of scene 3.

Here’s How It Went

I got scene one written, and I love how it turned out. I’m a third of the way through scenes two and three–my focus is all over the shop at the moment, and I ended up jumping between both scenes. I didn’t get around to dealing with scene four.

I’ll be honest, I’ve been finding it increasingly difficult to keep my mind on the work lately. I forced myself to get the first draft written faster than I’m physically capable of (causing far too many CRPS flare-ups), and it’s taking its toll on me.

I should have taken a break from the story, given myself some time to recover, and let the manuscript sit for a bit so I could come back to it with fresh eyes… but I didn’t. And now I’m struggling to do the work without causing another flare-up.

The Plan

I’m going to take a break for a couple of weeks and then decide if I plough on with editing Running the Asset or if I jump into book two (Bulletproof Heart) to create more distance and then go back to the edits. For now, I’m going to pull back, take it easy, and refill the creative well.

This break is going to affect my posting schedule, too… I think. (I’m so disorganised at the moment! My whole planner way of life fell off the rails while I was racing toward writing ‘The End’ 🥺

Well, I’m off to make some French bread and possibly some much-needed planner stickers. Until next time, thanks for stopping by, and take care. See you all soon! 💖

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Author: Susan T. Braithwaite

Royal Navy veteran from Scotland. My journey into writing started with a screenwriting certificate program at UCLA Ext. Since then, I've worked as a freelance content writer, erotica author, proofreader, professional beta reader, and content editor. I'm now working hard on my dream writing career: romantic suspense author. When I'm not writing, I can be found drinking too much coffee, obsessing over yarn, and planning world domination with my husband,, and our squirrel army.​

13 thoughts on “Author Journal 23rd – 29th June 2022

  1. Photos by Jez – I'm a Royal Navy Veteran from Scotland and love to get out and about with my wife,, on our Kalkhoff e-bikes. My faithful camera, Snappy, and the ever-present Lensy (lensball) are always along for the ride to capture the beauty of Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿. Join me as I share photos from our travels, how Lensy views the world & pretty much anything shiny ✨
    Photos by Jez says:

    Mmmmmm french bread 😋 You deserve a decent break & complete tools down for a couple of weeks 😘

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite – Glasgow, Scotland – Royal Navy veteran from Scotland. My journey into writing started with a screenwriting certificate program at UCLA Ext. Since then, I've worked as a freelance content writer, erotica author, proofreader, professional beta reader, and content editor. I'm now working hard on my dream writing career: romantic suspense author. When I'm not writing, I can be found drinking too much coffee, obsessing over yarn, and planning world domination with my husband,, and our squirrel army.​
      Susan T. Braithwaite says:

      Thank you, Sweetie! (Let’s extend that by another couple of weeks 🤩)

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite – Glasgow, Scotland – Royal Navy veteran from Scotland. My journey into writing started with a screenwriting certificate program at UCLA Ext. Since then, I've worked as a freelance content writer, erotica author, proofreader, professional beta reader, and content editor. I'm now working hard on my dream writing career: romantic suspense author. When I'm not writing, I can be found drinking too much coffee, obsessing over yarn, and planning world domination with my husband,, and our squirrel army.​
      Susan T. Braithwaite says:

      Thank you, Aletta! I’ve decided to stretch the break by another week or two–house chores swallowed up the last two weeks 😂 💖

  2. bushboy – Landcare, photography, music, poetry (of sorts), cooking, our environment, life on the land and making a difference where I can. MotoGP is my "boy" fix.
    bushboy says:

    Time to chill for a bit and look at the manuscript with fresh eyes and hands 🙂

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite – Glasgow, Scotland – Royal Navy veteran from Scotland. My journey into writing started with a screenwriting certificate program at UCLA Ext. Since then, I've worked as a freelance content writer, erotica author, proofreader, professional beta reader, and content editor. I'm now working hard on my dream writing career: romantic suspense author. When I'm not writing, I can be found drinking too much coffee, obsessing over yarn, and planning world domination with my husband,, and our squirrel army.​
      Susan T. Braithwaite says:

      Thanks, Brian! I’m extending my time off so that I can actually chill! House stuff has a nasty way of showing up when you take a break 🤣 I’ll be back with those fresh eyes and hands in a couple of weeks. 💖

  3. robertcday – York, UK – I'm left brained by day and right brained by night. Software Developer and Creative Writer. My corpus callosum is Spirtuality. God is love and peace.
    robertcday says:

    You’re a lot further on than me. I’ve written three novel and started another two but I’ve never been able to get around to editing any of them. I’m guessing that I just don’t enjoy editing but that doesn’t preclude the possibility that it’s due to deep seated trauma from childhood of maybe even bad karma from a previous life as a skunk.
    Jez sent me, by the way. I was just asking him about stories and he says that you take care of that side of business (or words to that effect).
    Right, back to work.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite – Glasgow, Scotland – Royal Navy veteran from Scotland. My journey into writing started with a screenwriting certificate program at UCLA Ext. Since then, I've worked as a freelance content writer, erotica author, proofreader, professional beta reader, and content editor. I'm now working hard on my dream writing career: romantic suspense author. When I'm not writing, I can be found drinking too much coffee, obsessing over yarn, and planning world domination with my husband,, and our squirrel army.​
      Susan T. Braithwaite says:

      Hi Robert! Thanks for stopping by–Jez mentioned you might 😀
      Wow, you’ve got three novels under your belt. I’m behind you on that… I’ve got one gathering digital dust and another one that a forced Windows upgrade erased. Neither of them ever made it to the editing stage.
      My bravery stems from editing other writer’s work and from doing the developmental edit while I was outlining. It’s a bit easier to deal with, but no less of a nightmare 😬
      How bad of a skunk were you to have accrued so much bad karma? 😂

      1. robertcday – York, UK – I'm left brained by day and right brained by night. Software Developer and Creative Writer. My corpus callosum is Spirtuality. God is love and peace.
        robertcday says:

        By golly, that’s the ultimate accolade on WordPress (or any online platform): someone talking about you in real life! I might just get your comment tastefully framed and hung over the fireplace. 😃
        Me, as a skunk: “so you’re the king of Spain? Well that don’t impress me much!” Pftt. “Hey, put me down! Wait, what are you going to do with that knife!!!”
        What animal do you want to be in your next life?
        Oh, I am soooo tired right now. Is it bedtime yet?

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite – Glasgow, Scotland – Royal Navy veteran from Scotland. My journey into writing started with a screenwriting certificate program at UCLA Ext. Since then, I've worked as a freelance content writer, erotica author, proofreader, professional beta reader, and content editor. I'm now working hard on my dream writing career: romantic suspense author. When I'm not writing, I can be found drinking too much coffee, obsessing over yarn, and planning world domination with my husband,, and our squirrel army.​
        Susan T. Braithwaite says:

        I’ve always wanted to be in a tasteful frame!
        Pissing off kings tends to lead to sharp endings.
        I’ve often wondered about life as an animal. At the very least I’d like one day as a pampered house cat, a week as a squirrel, and a few years as a foul-mouthed parrot. Other than that, I think roaming the Highlands as a wild haggis. Though, I’d make sure I was going the right way round the hills–the inside legs are shorter than the outer ones.
        I’ll let you get some sleep (it’s got to be bedtime somewhere) 😁

  4. robertcday – York, UK – I'm left brained by day and right brained by night. Software Developer and Creative Writer. My corpus callosum is Spirtuality. God is love and peace.
    robertcday says:

    I’ve slept since then. 😃
    Now in the library thinking about going out into the park to have a picnic (aka a sandwich, a bag of crisps and two small oranges).
    I suspect you made up a lot of that stuff about animals. But then again that’s what writers do. Well, that’s what I do anyways. 😄
    How’s the editing coming along?

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite – Glasgow, Scotland – Royal Navy veteran from Scotland. My journey into writing started with a screenwriting certificate program at UCLA Ext. Since then, I've worked as a freelance content writer, erotica author, proofreader, professional beta reader, and content editor. I'm now working hard on my dream writing career: romantic suspense author. When I'm not writing, I can be found drinking too much coffee, obsessing over yarn, and planning world domination with my husband,, and our squirrel army.​
      Susan T. Braithwaite says:

      No, no. Squirrels are as real as house cats and wild haggis.
      The editing is on hold while I’m on an extended break–I got within touching distance of burnout and decided to step back for a wee bit.
      How are you getting on down the old word mine?

      1. robertcday – York, UK – I'm left brained by day and right brained by night. Software Developer and Creative Writer. My corpus callosum is Spirtuality. God is love and peace.
        robertcday says:

        Nope. Squirrels are much more real. They pinch our apples and if they can’t carry them bodily away they lick them (much as you would lick your cheese you put in the fridge at work).
        Yeah, don’t burn out.
        My writing is flying. My editing is falling from the sky. 😀

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