What I’m Reading 15th April
Woohoo! I managed to carve out some time to read last week–a nice change to previous…
What I’m Reading 8th April
It’s been another week of little reading time, but I did manage to squeeze some time…
What I’m Reading 1st April
I can’t believe it’s been three weeks since I shared my latest reads. But, to be…
The Two Books That Turned My Life Around
In my latest Journal update, you’ll have seen that I’ve been cranking up my wordage outputtery.…
What I’m Reading 11th March
Welcome to another round of Susan loves her work read, and slightly dodgy things in her…
What I’m Reading 4th March
I have a dreaded Did Not Finish (DNF) on one of the books I was reading…
What I’m Reading 18th February
It’s Friday, and I have a couple of new books to share! Even though I’m on…
What I’m Reading 4th February
I’m changing things up a bit this week. Instead of having three books in rotation–a work…
What I’m Reading 28th January
Woohoo, it’s book day! Also, it’s book hangover time. ? It’s okay; give me a couple…