


Everyday Love Language


Beyond Romance Novels: Finding Real Love

As a writer and avid reader of romance, you might expect me to recount a tale of grand romantic gestures. Yet, it’s the small, everyday acts of love that truly resonate with me. It’s in these moments that I find the essence of genuine affection. I’m calling it my everyday love language.

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Paws and Reflect… on Cats


For those who know me, it’s no surprise that I’m a cat lover through and through. Cats have been a part of my life in one way or another, bringing joy, comfort, and a bit of craziness.

In honour of this feline fascination, I’ve decided to keep today’s post light and visual—a picture post! Here are a few pics that capture the essence of why cats hold a special place in my heart.

Phil and Lil, the Dynamic Duo:

A throwback to my first pet kittens, named after the famous Rugrats twins. They were full of energy, mischief, and weirdness!

Cats in Art:

I’ve always been drawn to artwork featuring cats. Their grace and mystery are captivating.

A Cozy Cat Nap:

There’s nothing quite like the sight of a cat curled up and snoozing. It’s a reminder to take life a little slower and enjoy the peaceful moments.

With their independent spirit and affectionate companionship, cats have always been more than just pets to me—they’re a source of inspiration and comfort.

So, are you a cat person, a dog lover, or perhaps an admirer of a more unusual creature? I’d love to hear about your favourite animals! Drop your thoughts in the comments below.

I’m enjoying a wee break and spending some quality time offline, but I’ll keep my promise to myself by posting my responses to the bloganuary prompts. I’m looking forward to catching up on your comments soon.

Stay pawsome!

Susan x

Bloganuary writing prompt
What is your favorite animal?

Navigating the Daunting Online Communication Maze 😬


Welcome to my sanctuary, AKA my blog. Here, I’m in my element, interacting with incredible people who take the time to visit. It’s like having a cosy chat in a favourite coffee shop. I treasure this space where I can share my thoughts without the overwhelming buzz of the broader internet. It’s a place to practise the art of communication while dodging the digital crowds.

But in a world where most communication is done online, I’m a wee bittie out of step. And even more out of my depth. When authors, artists, and creators of all stripes need the internet to get our work seen… and to actually make a living… I’ve found myself scrapping content plan after content plan because of fear. But this year, I’m working hard to combat my posting terrors.

Continue readingNavigating the Daunting Online Communication Maze 😬

Road Trip to Freedom


Having driven from Aberdeenshire in the North East of Scotland to Cornwall in the South West of England so many times that I’ve lost count, it’s hard to pick out a specific trip that was truly memorable.

I remember different bits from different trips, but that’s it. But the most memorable one would have to be the first time I drove the journey.

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More Than Just a Snack


“What snack would you eat right now?” As someone who likes the rigidity of meal times, I don’t really do the snack thing. But the question got me thinking about eating in fiction. Being lazy, I thought I’d repost one of my fun fiction snippets that cover the topic…

Continue readingMore Than Just a Snack

SLDS: Masquerade Ball Challenge


Welcome to week two of the “Spies, Lies & Digital Skies” art challenge! Last week, we journeyed through the dimly lit, fog-swept alleys featuring a clandestine meeting that could chill your spine. The highlight was Jez’s incredible interpretation of the theme, capturing the essence of secrecy and suspense.

Last Week’s Standout Images

This one was my favourite!
Such a cool image!

This Week’s Prompt

This week, the challenge veers into the opulent and enigmatic world of masquerade balls. The mission is to create an image of a secret exchange at a masquerade ball.

My Turn!

From Glasgow’s Artistic Corners to Marseilles’ Criminal Mansions

My journey began with the fusion of photography and digital art in Hot Mods (part of ChatGPT). Inspired by the architectural beauty of Glasgow’s House for an Art Lover, I envisioned a modern-day masquerade ball. Picture this: a grand dancefloor ringed with onlookers, the air heavy with anticipation. In this setting of contemporary elegance, a covert exchange unfolds. As couples dance, a man passes a tiny digital device to his dance partner, their actions almost imperceptible.

But translating such a detailed vision into art proved challenging.

So, I changed up my text prompts a bit, drawing on a scene from Running the Asset, my novel (in-editing). I wanted to create a ballroom in contemporary Marseilles overlooking the cliffs in a stylised, romantic image, capturing not just the physical setting but the undercurrent of intrigue. But that turned out to be a wee bittie too ambitious.

The Dance of Creation: From Attempt to Triumph

My digital collaborator, DALL-E, was instrumental in bringing this vision to life. The initial attempts, while beautiful, didn’t quite hit the mark. The ballroom with its large windows, the gardens, the couples in their contemporary attire – all elements were there, yet something was amiss.

Persistence led to refinement. The final attempt, a romanticised, modern-day masquerade ball, finally resonated with my imagination. The setting was alive with contemporary fashion and had the Art Deco feel I’d initially been after. And finally, a secretive couple exchanges a small device on the dancefloor.

My favourite

Reflections on the Artistic Process

This week’s challenge was a fascinating exploration of the artistic process. It was a reminder that sometimes, our visions evolve and change as we bring them to life. The journey from concept to creation is rarely straightforward but always rewarding.

As we delve into the world of digital art, each attempt and iteration is a step closer to what we envision. The beauty lies in the final product and the journey itself – each adjustment leads us closer to our imagined scene.

A Gallery of Enigmatic Beauty

The images that emerged from this week’s challenge, though varied in their execution, each hold a piece of the story I wanted to tell. From the detailed settings inspired by Rennie MacIntosh’s architectural marvels to the criminal mansions of my imagination, every piece is a testament to the power of digital art to capture the essence of espionage and romance.

Join the Dance of Secrets and Art

Right, now it’s your turn! Take a dive into this world of masquerade and mystery. Whether you’re an experienced artist or just starting, this challenge is an opportunity to explore your creativity and bring your visions to life. Remember, it’s not just about the final image but the journey you embark on to create it.

Next week, we’ll explore another thrilling theme in our “Spies, Lies & Digital Skies” series. Until then, let your imaginations run wild.

Happy creating, and let’s continue to turn the art of espionage into an art form!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, awaits!

Susan x

Unleash Your Inner Spy

Now, the mission falls to you. Whether you draw inspiration from outer space, the past, the future, or even the cutthroat world of canine spies. Prepare to let loose your creativity.

How to Participate:

  • Create an image of a secret exchange at a masquerade ball using whatever digital art tool you like.
  • Go wild and let your creative spirit soar. (Share your inspiration or process if you’d like–I love hearing about this side of art and writing!)
  • Share your masterpiece on your blog and send a pingback. You can even post it on social media with the hashtag #SLDSart and tag me @susbraithwaite. (Post before next Friday)
  • Remember to come back next week for another prompt (or get a sneak peek here). You could see your creation feature in the upcoming intelligence brief (post… and possibly my monthly newsletter).

This challenge is open to all adult operatives in the field of artistry–fledgling agents to seasoned veterans. Engage with fellow spies, applaud their artistry, and perhaps find new allies in this digital realm.

Teddy Bear Spy Academy (TBSA) Elite Training for Teddy Bear Operatives


Welcome to the Teddy Bear Spy Academy (TBSA) – The Elite Training Ground for Teddy Bear Operatives!

About Us:

Nestled in the mountains of Beardeen, the Teddy Bear Spy Academy stands unparalleled. Our academy is the first of its kind, dedicated to training teddy bears in the fine art of espionage. We recognize and nurture your inherent talents for covert operations and believe every teddy bear has the potential to be a world-class secret agent.

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Heart of Stone?


Never get attached. That was the lesson I learnt at a young age. It wasn’t that I had a heart of stone. I was being practical, protecting myself from inevitable heartache. Growing up, I quickly realised that whether due to someone’s ‘need’ being more important than mine or the destructive force of rage or jealousy, getting too attached was a guaranteed path to sorrow.

Discovery in the Dirt

But, against all odds, one item captivated my heart – a small, unassuming object that I fiercely guarded. This object was merely 2.5 x 1.5 x 1 cm in size, of an odd shape and russet hue, almost camouflaged in the dirt.

I was fourteen, clarty (Scots leid for muddy) from weeding the front garden, and at the end of my energy reserves. I’d found several baby potatoes as I dug down to get the roots of the hardier weeds. But as I smoothed out the disturbed soil, I found another wee tattie (potato), but it was solid. It took a moment to realise it was a stane (stone).

Beyond Its Physical Form

Most people would have just tossed it back in the ground, but if you have a stone-collecting problem, that bad boy is staying with you. Up until that point, I’d found so many beautiful stones that this ‘ugly’ wee thing shouldn’t even have been on my radar.

But I couldn’t let it go. It captivated me. The Stone Soup story played in my head as I held it tight in my hand, hiding it from any possible prying eyes.

If you don’t know the story, it’s about a hungry traveller who has nothing but a pot and a stone. The villagers refuse to help him out with some food, so he comes up with a plan: he’ll convince them to give him food. He fills the pot with water, chucks the stone in, and starts ‘cooking’ it over a fire.

A villager asks him what he’s doing, and the traveller tells him that he’s making the most amazing soup. His description of how flavoursome this soup will be hooks the villager.

He tells the villager that some carrots would make it that much tastier. The villager runs to his home, retrieves some, and gives them to the traveller. This happens with all the villagers, with various ingredients needed to up the awesomeness of the soup to the point it becomes a communal pot of soup. It’s a great lesson in sharing.

Another Lesson in Stone Soup

To me, there was an added lesson, one that hit harder than sharing. The lesson I gleaned was that words and stories had the power to affect change. They could soften hearts, build communities, and put dinner on the table.

A Journey with My Stone

My wee tattie stane was a constant, journeying through the pivotal moments of my life: exams, driving test, navigating the trials of the Royal Navy, I even tucked into my wedding bouquet. It’s been a lucky charm from the moment I found it.

Where is My Stone Now?

Tattie has found its rightful place on my desk, occasionally travelling in my pocket for an extra dose of luck. Beyond being a mere object, this stone has become a symbol of resilience, a testament to enduring through life’s more challenging moments, and a reminder of the joys in life. It’s my literal creative touchstone, reminding me of the power of words and storytelling.

Do you have any odd items that have journeyed through life with you? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear about them–nothing to do with me wanting to know that I’m not the only weirdo here!

Daily writing prompt
Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?, pub-9446438291097940, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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