ICYMI: New Anne Stuart Release!

Yesterday I got one of the many Amazon emails about books I might like. Most of the offerings in the sales lists are outwith my preferred genres, and I was about to delete the email without reading it. But because it had Anne Stuart‘s name in the subject line, I opened it.

I assumed it was going to be a reminder of the few books I hadn’t bought from her backlist–yet. Whoa, was I in for a surprise. This email was a new release announcement. A pre-order for my one-click-take-my-money-favorite-author. It gets better: it’s the fifth book in the House of Rohan series!!! 

Content from Amazon.com:

This cover is utterly gorgeous

Heartless: House of Rohan Series Book 5

A strong, resilient woman who learned to survive in a world of betrayal. Emma Cadbury had been an innocent, a whore, a charity worker and a surgeon. She chose a life without love until she saved a dying soldier in a charity ward.

A scarred soldier who fought to redeem himself from the horrors he’d committed. Brandon Rohan had lost himself to drugs and degradation, wanting to die, and only one person could save him. But she’d disappeared.

A love neither of them wants, and a passion so strong it could burn down the world. Now they’ve come together again, but he doesn’t remember, and she doesn’t want to. But someone is trying to kill her, and Brandon is the one man who can save her.

England in 1840, where no one is what they seem.

Straight after pre-ordering (I know it’s out tomorrow, but I don’t care) I went her blog and lo-and-behold the information was right there. I visited the blog once every month or so (and knew she was working hard on the manuscript) but hadn’t been in the last couple of months because I’m lazy and tend to get auto emails from blogs I follow. Well, lesson learned: go to the blog!

I can’t wait for Anne’s post announcing the release of the fourth Fire book.

Buy your copy of Heartless on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk (I haven’t been asked or incentivized to post this, nor do I recieve any affiliate income from these links.)

Who are your one-click authors? Which series are you “patiently” waiting for?


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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One response to “ICYMI: New Anne Stuart Release!

  1. […] I posted about a book release I didn’t know was on its way. I also mentioned that I’m lazy and get blog updates via email–but there doesn’t […]

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