


Fan Of… Daily Post #5 — Rabbids Invasion

For Day #5’s entry to Fan Of… I’m going with Rabbids Invasion. Before I first saw the animated show, I’d never really heard of Rabbids. I never played Rayman—I’m more of a Halo/Hitman/PGR gamer—so missed the whole thing.

The first episode I caught did it for me, and I’ve been a massive fan of the bwahsome creatures ever since. I even had the shopping bag (below) shipped over from France.

If I had to say why I love the show, I’d say it’s a combination of the humor, the writing, and the endless ways of saying, “Bwah.”

If you haven’t caught an episode, do yourself a favor and check out Season 4 on Netflix.

Author: Susan T. Braithwaite

Royal Navy veteran from Scotland. My journey into writing started with a screenwriting certificate program at UCLA Ext. Since then, I've worked as a freelance content writer, erotica author, proofreader, professional beta reader, and content editor. I'm now working hard on my dream writing career: romantic suspense author. When I'm not writing, I can be found drinking too much coffee, obsessing over yarn, and planning world domination with my husband,, and our squirrel army.​

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