Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #24 — Lake

Welcome to Week 24 of the Friday Fiction Writing Challenge! Here’s a complete list of all the posts so far. Feel free to join in.

I’d like to open this week’s post with a huge thanks to Chris and Violet for their excellent responses to last week’s prompt.

This week’s random word is: Lake

Pain speared Lisa’s head, and freezing water stole her breath. Every muscle in her body tensed as she struggled to focus her eyes in the darkened car.

Lake water rushed in, raising the level dangerously close to her head. “C-C-Cole.”

He didn’t answer.

Lisa squeezed her eyes shut. A violent tremor took hold of her body, shaking her so hard her skeleton hurt. Hot tears burned her cheeks.

She released her seatbelt and turned to the driver’s seat. It was too dark to see him, but she could make out Cole’s shape. He was slumped against the window. Unmoving.

Dread formed hard and heavy in her stomach. Spencer had shot him. Even though her fingers were numb, she pressed them over his carotid artery. She couldn’t be sure if it was his pulse beating or wishful thinking. He couldn’t be dead. I only just found you

She couldn’t afford to let panic and fear in. Lisa had to get them both out of there before they drowned in this fucking car. She released Cole’s seatbelt and pulled him to her. No matter how much she yanked on the door handle, it wouldn’t budge.

Stay calm.

What did they say on that TV show? Wait until the car’s full of water, then the door will open. Easier said than done.

Lisa sucked in a breath and sealed her mouth over Cole’s and breathed into him before taking one last gulp. 

She yanked the handle.

The door inched open.

Thanks for reading and have a superb weekend!

Want to join in? Full information is on the Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge page.


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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14 responses to “Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #24 — Lake

  1. Chris Hall Avatar

    A scene to take the breath away! Great writing, Susan.
    I’ll get back to you with my response to ‘Lake’ next week. Hope some more writers come on board with us too 🙂

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Chris. I look forward to seeing what you come up with ? I’m hopeful other writers will join us, too, but I’m happy to keep going–I’m finding it helpful in my day-to-day writing.?

  2. Violet Lentz Avatar

    Excellently built suspense.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thank you, Violet! ?

  3. […] was written for Sue Vincent’s #writephoto Thursday writing prompt. It also incorporates the Lake theme suggested by Susan Braithwaite on Genre Scribes and the three phrasal prompts on tnkerr’s OLWG #44. Those phrases […]

  4. Violet Lentz Avatar

    Here’s my contribution for the week. Thanks again for the wonderful new venue!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks for joining in, again! Heading over to read now. ?

  5. G Avatar

    Hello, I’ve been stealthily reading some of the previous challenges, and I’m gonna give it a go! Excited to try something new.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Welcome, G! I look forward to reading what you come up with. Remember not to sweat it. Have fun with it. ?

  6. […] The post is written in response to a prompt from Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #24 — Lake. […]

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Just heading over to your post, Gordon!

  7. […] Written in response to a prompt from Susan T. Braithwaite Genre Scribes Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #24 […]

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks for joining in, Chris! Just heading over for a read the now.

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