Welcome to the Friday Fiction Writing Challenge! Here’s a complete list of all the posts so far. Feel free to join in.
A huge shout out to Violet, Gordon, and Chris for taking part again with their brilliant responses to last week’s prompt.
This week’s random word is: Interview
Whatever drugs they’d used on Rome were finally starting to wear off. His tongue no longer felt alien, and the number seven no longer tasted of peaches—though, he kind of liked that.
“Who was your last kill? Was it sanctioned?” asked the meticulously dressed woman called Eve.
Pins and needles prickled uncomfortably in Rome’s extremities. Another few minutes and he’d be able to take the Walther PPK Eve had on the table in front of her.
“Your last kill. Who was it? Was it sanctioned?” Eve thumped the table with her hands.
Rome jumped. In another life, he’d have loved to have played with the strict librarian across from him. But not today. Rome shot to his feet, sending the chair clanging across the floor. “I’m done with this interrogation!”
Even with the drugs wearing off, he wasn’t at the top of his game. Hell, his hands were still numb, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. Rome lunged on unsteady feet and grabbed the pistol before Eve could stop him. Then, something pricked his neck, and white edged his vision. Rome readied the weapon and squeezed an eye shut to clear his vision as Eve rounded the table. He aimed center mass and pulled the trigger.
Deadman’s click.Fuck.
The white fog crept further into his consciousness, tilting the room.
Eve loomed over him in her stilettos and arched a perfectly groomed brow. “Mr. Dempsey, you’d know if I was interrogating you, this is just a job interview.”
Thanks for reading and have an amazing weekend!
How To Join In:
Using the prompt, write a maximum of 250-ish words of fiction. (This can be a scene, flash fiction, some dialogue, a description, etc.)
Link to this post in your post.
Add the tags ffwc, genre scribes, and the genre your post is in.
The deadline is 6 PM the following Friday.
Full information is on the Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge page.
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