Working the Asset – Update 20 July

It’s been a few weeks since I last updated on my progress on Working the Asset. As I mentioned in a previous update, I’m writing my outline with my non-dominant hand (lefty) owing to CRPS in the right one.

Fast-forward 27,000 words, a stack of index cards with writing so small only a fruit fly can read it, and a terrifying amount of coffee and this is what you get:

An entire novel in note form!

I’m finally, finally done with the first editorial pass (Plot). And, now I’m working on the second pass which is for story structure. Luckily, having studied screenwriting at UCLA Ext’s Writer’s Program, I have a good grasp on story structure. I started work on this pass yesterday and am already 30% of the way through!

My really stupid goal is to complete this pass by Sunday… I say stupid because there’s a lot of reading–I’m a very slow reader–and a few techniques to implement that I’m unfamiliar with. (Yes, Grammarly, I’m going to leave that preposition hanging out there, right at the end of that sentence. ?)

For now, it’s time for a break (playing co-op Halo: ODST with Jez! ?) I’ll leave you with the update photos I never got around to posting.

Thanks for reading, and take care.


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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12 responses to “Working the Asset – Update 20 July

  1. Photos by Jez Avatar

    Awesome ? Well done sweetie ? & ? hi Neen.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thank you! (Neen demands miso soup!) ?

      1. Photos by Jez Avatar

        On it ?

  2. etikser Avatar

    It looks like you’ve done a lot of good work.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks. It also looks like I’m a serial killer ?

      1. etikser Avatar

        haha. I’m sure it will be full of suspense and intrigue.

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        Thank you!

  3. supernaturalsnark Avatar

    Wow! Congrats! It seems like a crazy amount of work (but it’ll be worth it in the end!).

    I’m working on a first draft of a novel and for the first time, I’m outlining! I’m a write as I go along kind of girl (but the older I get, the more I realise it’s not feasible, LOL). I can’t imagine being as organised as you are!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thank you! It’s a lot of upfront work, but it’s work I won’t have to do it when I’ve got the draft done.
      I’ve never had much fun pantsing–I’ve got three finished novels gathering digital dust because of pantsing.
      What method are you using for outlining? I’m always interested in how other writers get the work done.
      The organisation thing is something I’ve been working on since January. But this boost in productivity is new. Really new, like mid-June new. But, the organised outlining method is all H. R. D’Costa’s method.

      1. supernaturalsnark Avatar

        I used a general outline structure. Beginning, Pinch Point, Turning Point, Midpoint, Punch Point, etc, until the Climax. I wrote a small summary for each and then I opened it up, using bullet points to create a more detailed online. I’m using some free software called yWrite that has been very, very helpful. My issue is either outlining myself to boredom or pantsing myself to writer’s block, so mixture of the two has been helpful. I’m reading a book that says both are bad, lol! It’s called Story Genius, I think. It’s been helpful so far.

        I’m always jealous of people who are able to plot out their entire stories and remain organised! I’m already on the second version of the book because I read over what I had and decided it was garbage. Only after that point did I take outlining and planning seriously because I really do like my idea.

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        That’s great that you’ve found out that you’re a hybrid plotter/pantser! I think a lot of the time we all try to force ourselves to be a certain type of writer because XYZ does it that way.
        I’m glad Story Genius is working for you. I had a bad experience with that book a few years back. It messed with the tone of what was going to be the first in my DU series–I was too influenced by the example book–and a host of other things, to the point that I shelved it.
        That’s awesome that you’ve found a software program that works for you. I’ve heard good things about yWrite.

      3. supernaturalsnark Avatar

        Aww. I’ve only just started reading Story Genius so I’m glad you’ve read itz although I’m sorry you had a bad experience. I’ll definitely have my wits about me when reading it. Tbh, the tone of the book is enough for me to sort of take it with a pinch of salt already. So while I find some things useful, I’m not going to dive too deep into it. I feel like my best writing comes when I’m not overthinking it. A lot of these ‘How To Write A Novel’ books are designed to make $$ more so than help (or maybe I’m just cynical lol).

        Happy Writing to us both! 🙂

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