Author Journal 3rd – 9th May 2021

I can’t believe we’re into May already! Last week just wheeched by, and I’m still trying to get my head back round the right way.

As you’ll see below, I’m still working on making plot, motivation, stakes, and character changes to my stack of index cards for Working The Asset. In my fantasy version of pre-editing, it was going to be so quick and easy to make all these changes. But it’s not. It’s slow and laborious. Though, not as bad as doing it after writing 80K words.

The pre-edits are helping me craft a pretty incredible story (well, the kind of story I love to read, anyway), and I’ve had to remind myself often that I’m learning a new method and that it will get faster with each book.

If it wasn’t clear from the above paragraphs, last week did not go as planned. But, the story is growing into something that genuinely excites me. Something I know will be worth the hard slog. Something I can’t wait to share with other romantic suspense/action-adventure romance fans.

Review 26th April – 2nd May 2021

My Writing Goals for Last Week

  • Make changes and clean up index cards for Act 1 and Act 2a (part 1)

How Do I Think It Went?

Until I sat down to write this, I thought I’d had another bad week. But, even though I didn’t meet my goals, I did get a lot closer than I’d initially thought. For some reason, my daily journal had me down for more work than I’d planned on. Still, I didn’t get it all done.

By the end of the week, I’d made a dent into Act 2a (part1). A toatie one, but a dent none the less (or is it none the least? In the words of Shawn Spencer, “I’ve heard it both ways.”)

So, What Went Wrong?

As I noted above, the week whizzed by for me. There were a few non-work-related things I had to give my attention to—one of the curses of working from home (the only real curse I’ve found over the last decade or so)—and I always find it challenging to get back into work mode after those kinds of interruptions.

It doesn’t matter what I do, music, tea, a hefty dose of coffee, nothing gets me back into the writing flow. Hopefully, one day I’ll figure it out.

Eventually, I did get some work under my belt, the bulk of which was over two days, most of it on Sunday. I’m not a fan of stuffing a week’s work into two days, and it’s something I’m going to work hard to avoid in the future if I can.

Improvements For This Week

I’ve noticed in the past that when I break a task down to micro-micro-goal level actions, I’m able to keep myself motivated. I think it comes down to the momentum of wee wins atop of wee wins. It’s something I’m trialling this week. If it works, I’ll implement it for all future mahoosive goals. Don’t worry; I’ll keep the Schedule section at the macro level.

This Week’s Goals


MondayAct 2a (part 1)
TuesdayDay off/blog post (the one you’re reading right now)
WednesdayAct 2a (part 1)
ThursdayDay off/work on craft site (
FridayDay off (Sneaky extra day… Sonic All-Stars with Jez, methinks ?)
SaturdayAct 2a (part 2)
SundayAct 2b (part 1)

Do you struggle to get back into work mode after having to deal with non-work interruptions? Or, have you figured out how to dive back in without too much friction?

That’s it for this week on the update front. Thanks for stopping by, and take care.



About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

Susan on Instagram

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18 responses to “Author Journal 3rd – 9th May 2021

  1. Chris Hall Avatar

    I wish I did have a magic formula for getting back into the zone, Susan! I could have done better today, but I didn’t. The note in my diary for tomorrow reads: ‘Finish Chaper 32. No excuses!’ Looks like I shall have to chain myself to my desk 😉

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      I hope you were able to get Ch32 done, and that you didn’t do what I do when I see “No excuses!”–stick tongue out and blow raspberries at it. ?

      1. Chris Hall Avatar

        No need for raspberries, I got it done. Tomorrow’s diary entry says ‘Ch33 – you’ve nothing else to do!!’ Today it looks like I have to deal with a drain ;(

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        Woohoo! on getting Ch32 done!!! I have too many drain on your time puns in my head… but, I hope it’s a quick fix and you can get back to work on Ch33 soon. ?

      3. Chris Hall Avatar

        😀 😀 😀

  2. Aletta - nowathome Avatar

    Time flies when you are busy! Good luck with your writing!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Aletta!

  3. Judy Avatar

    I really struggle with diving back in.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      It’s painful, isn’t it? If you ever find a solution let me know. Please! ?

  4. bushboy Avatar

    Having a hottie like Jez around the house wouldn’t help 😀

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      See, you get it. It’s totally not my fault. ?

      1. bushboy Avatar

        I have this from The Aust Writer Center in an email today. Maybe it may help
        “It might feel like you don’t have time to add more creativity to your life, but that’s simply not true. None of us live our lives like an action movie, minute to minute. You DO have time in your week – you simply need to schedule it.

        By actually scheduling in creative time just like you do for a physio appointment, gym class or weekly coffee with a friend, you legitimise it. Even give it a fancy name if you have to, like “Right Brain Session” or “Storyologist Appointment” – anything to convince yourself that it’s just as important not to miss! You can stay at home, go to a park, cafe – anything you like… just don’t cancel.

        Last week, so many of you proved that without any notice whatsoever, you could take a few minutes out of your day to write a tiny story or two. Sure, it wasn’t a lot of time, but entire books can be written in snippets of time. Don’t believe me? Just 200 words a day (the amount of words in the first three paragraphs above) would, after one year, add up to an entire novel!

        Perhaps it was because someone else (me) asked you to write a story that you stopped and did it. If this was the case, YOU need to fill that role – give yourself permission to be creative, even in small amounts, every week. Schedule it in and discover a new writing habit. There really is no excuse!”
        Failing that, lock Jez in the cupboard 😀 😀

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        Thanks for taking the time to share this, Brian. I’m truly grateful.
        I think I’ll use the suggestion of blocking out time, but twisting it a bit–I already schedule writing. The twist being to think of work time like I’m not at home. Therefore, if the phone/door goes etc. I won’t answer them. If I wasn’t at home, I wouldn’t be able to anyway.
        I hope that will work. Or, I’ll go with your suggestion that Jez goes into a cupboard. Both are valid options. ?

      3. bushboy Avatar

        It was a bit fortuitous that that scheduling came along from the Writers Centre. I try to do that with doing stuff around here but the distractions…….
        Don’t tell Jez it was my idea though 😀 😀

      4. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        It’ll be our wee secret ?

      5. bushboy Avatar

        My lips are sealed 🙂

  5. Photos by Jez Avatar
    Photos by Jez

    I bet I’m one of your non-work interruptions ?

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