Today’s word is seelie. It means happy, lucky, blessed. And, here’s my response to the prompt:
“Dae ye huv tae staun sae close?” Evie skelt awa fae Cole, the eesome bastirt.
Cole wis gowlie. “Jist mak on thit ye dinnae wint tae fell me. Hit’s nae at defeeckwalt,” he luikit it hir, “A’m daen hit richt noo.”
“Get tae—“
He harlt hir, oxterin hir ticht. “The prap’s here.” Cole clapit hir rig lik they wur winchin.
Evie focht agin the hait and seelie growein fae whar Cole’s haun wis. “A hate ye.”
“Ay, sure ye dae.” He turnt tae hir an pred her mou.
And now in English.
“Do you have to stand so close?” Evie sidestepped Cole, the handsome bastard.
Cole scowled. “Just pretend that you don’t want to kill me. It’s not that hard,” he gave her a pointed look, “I’m doing it right now.”
“Go to—”
He pulled her to him, his arm wrapped tight around her. “The target’s here.” Cole stroked his hand up and down her back like they were lovers.
Evie fought against the heat and happiness that was growing inside her from Cole’s touch. “I hate you.’
“Of course you do.” He turned to her and kissed her.
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