Today’s word is nicht. It means night. I was a wee bit short of time today and ended up stealing from Running The Asset‘s first draft. Anyway, here’s my response to the prompt:
“Five meenits intae the op an she ort the script. She’s nae got ony upbring tae dae whit she did the nicht. Gin ye hidnea makit thit ca, A’m gey sicker we’d be harlin hir oot the Mediterranean.” Ward shakit heez heid.
Adam didnae hae time fur is. “She did whit hid tae be duin.”
“Thit’s whit A’m feart o. Let time thit didnae pan oot tae weel fur ye.”
Adam’s chaft tichtent.
“Dinnae bither wae the coongerin luik, ye ken A’m richt.” He smirked, “An ye ken fine weel, A’ll boot yer erse fur ye.”
“Ay, richt sae ye wull.”
And now in English.
“Five minutes into the op and she ditched the script. She’s got no training to do what she did tonight. If you hadn’t made that call, I’m pretty sure we’d be fishing her out of the Mediterranean.” Ward shook his head.
Adam didn’t have time for this. “She did what had to be done.”
“That’s what I’m worried about. Last time that didn’t pan out too well for you.”
Adam’s jaw clenched.
“Don’t bother with the intimidation look, you know I’m right.” He smiled,“And you know well enough that I’ll kick your arse.”
“Yes, sure you can.”
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