Author Journal 17th – 23rd February 2022

Things were a bit touch and go for most of the week. I had a dental thing that caused immense pain, which my CRPS does not like. That’s putting it mildly; the trauma from the procedure triggered a significant flare-up to the point it spread to my left hand and my feet. Though it’s still lingering, I managed to get some excellent work in for Running the Asset. Let’s dive straight in!

Review 7th to 16th February 2022

Here’s what last week’s goals looked like:

  1. Complete Act II (a)’s blocking for future editing/rewrites
  2. Block the whole of Act II (b) for future editing/rewrites
  3. Apply lessons on Universal Fantasies from 7 Figure Fiction to the scene level as I re-block.

How Did It Go?

As I said above, I got some great work in. Actually, it was better than that! I got all of it done.

Okay, that’s not 100% true.

I got all the scenes and sequels down on paper, and I’ve been slow time transferring the notes to the blocking sheets. But there are still a good few sheets to fill out. I’ll get them over my break this week.

My soon-to-be-filled in scene and sequel sheets (minus a spoiler scene header)

This Week’s Writing Goals

There are no writing goals for this week (aside from transferring the notes to blocking sheets) as I’m on holiday as of right now! It’s actually my beloved Jez’s birthday today, so it’s cake time in about two mins. If you fancy wishing him a happy birthday, head on over to his latest post and give him a like/follow.

See you all soon!

That’s it for today. Thanks for stopping by, and take care.


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About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

Susan on Instagram

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15 responses to “Author Journal 17th – 23rd February 2022

  1. Stefanie Neumann Avatar

    Oh no! I’m sorry that you had all this pain and now are suffering another flare-up!
    Hopefully your system will recover from the trauma rather sooner than later.

    You did amazing on your writing progress!
    How great is that – you got nearly everything done despite the road-blocks.

    I’m wishing you and Jez some wonderful holiday!
    And, of course, a super smooth and speedy recovery. ?

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Oh, thank you, Stefanie! I’ve finally caught up on the rest of Act II (b), so now it’s time to enjoy the time off. ?

      1. Stefanie Neumann Avatar

        Yay! ???

  2. Aletta - nowathome Avatar

    You are a star!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thank you so much, Aletta! ?

  3. bushboy Avatar

    Good on you for struggling through the pain Susan. Glad you are better for the celebrations tonight 🙂

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Brian. I’ll struggle through anything for cake and ice– Jez. Obviously, I mean Jez. ?

      1. bushboy Avatar


  4. Chris Hall Avatar

    Brave Susan! Hope you’re feeling better now (did the cake help?). Belated birthday greetings to your beloved and have a wonderful week ahead 🙂

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Chris! I’ll pass on the b’day wishes ?

      1. Chris Hall Avatar

        I think mine dropped into Jez’s spam (almost as bad a dropping a piece of birthday cake)??

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        Oh, no! I’ll get him to check and fix it.

  5. Photos by Jez Avatar

    Brilliant work, sweetie ? I can’t believe how much you got done ? Cake time ?

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks you, sweetie… we need more cakes!

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