Things in Scots #1: Coorie

Last month I said I was going to do some posts in Scots. Admittedly, I did…but then I caught the flu, and most of my plans went out the window. So, with Jez’s (husband man) Animals in Scots series at an end and the fact that I missed out, we decided to join forces and collaborate on a month-long series: Things in Scots. Yep, we were super imaginative yesterday.

For my first post, I’m going to share a word that’s been in my head the whole time I’ve been flu-y: Coorie.

Coorie (or coorie in—depending on where you live) means to snuggle, wrap up. It’s a word I’ve heard all my life, always when I’ve had the cold or the flu. 

Whanivver Ah wiz smorin wi’ the caul, ma maw wid aye say, “Guan coorie doon on the sofa.”

Thenks fur stoapin by an hae a wunnerfu day. (Mind an gie Jez’s post a keek.)

In Inglis: Whenever I had a horrible cold, my mum would always say, “Get yourself wrapped up on the sofa.” (What she specifically meant when she said coorie was: grab the duvet off the bed and snuggle under it on the sofa.)

Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful day. (Remember to check out Jez’s post.)

Photo by Burst on


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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9 responses to “Things in Scots #1: Coorie

  1. […] and welcome to December’s project: Things in Scots. This month I am collaborating with my wife, Susan (? follow this link to see her post), and we’ll be posting daily — Things in Scots […]

  2. Susan T. Braithwaite – Glasgow, Scotland – 📚 Scottish author who loves writing romantic suspense books filled with Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies that will make your heart race 💗
Explore the world of Scottish spies with me. I live in Scotland with my awesome husband, Jez (check out his photo and AI art fusion blog:​

    Marie Macpherson: Collaborating with @JezB71 on #ThingsinScots My first mini-post is the word #Coorie — mainly because I’ve got the flu. via

  3. Susan T. Braithwaite – Glasgow, Scotland – 📚 Scottish author who loves writing romantic suspense books filled with Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies that will make your heart race 💗
Explore the world of Scottish spies with me. I live in Scotland with my awesome husband, Jez (check out his photo and AI art fusion blog:​
  4. bushboy – Landcare, photography, music, poetry (of sorts), cooking, our environment, life on the land and making a difference where I can. MotoGP is my "boy" fix.

    Hello, I dropped in from Jez’a blog. Have a fun collaboration Susan 🙂

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite – Glasgow, Scotland – 📚 Scottish author who loves writing romantic suspense books filled with Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies that will make your heart race 💗
Explore the world of Scottish spies with me. I live in Scotland with my awesome husband, Jez (check out his photo and AI art fusion blog:​

      Thanks for stopping by, Brian! I’m sure we will ?

  5. […] and welcome to December’s project: Things in Scots. This month I am collaborating with my wife, Susan (? follow this link to see her post), and we’ll be posting daily — Things in Scots […]

  6. Susan T. Braithwaite – Glasgow, Scotland – 📚 Scottish author who loves writing romantic suspense books filled with Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies that will make your heart race 💗
Explore the world of Scottish spies with me. I live in Scotland with my awesome husband, Jez (check out his photo and AI art fusion blog:​
  7. Hiya, Here in the northern hemisphere, autumn has painted our surroundings with its rich palette of golds, reds, and oranges. The days are growing colder,…

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