Things in Scots #14: Outwith

Welcome to day fourteen of Things in Scots!—a fun collaboration with my husband, Jez (Mind an gie Jez’s post a keek.)

As I mentioned in a previous post, I sometimes have trouble remembering/even knowing that a word isn’t actually English. That was the case with today’s word, and I’m going to share it with you because it’s one of the most useful words in the Scots Leid.

Today’s Things in Scots is: Outwith.

According to the Dictionar o the Scots Leid, outwith (also ootwith, ootwi) has been in use since at least c1230. As a preposition, outwith means outside, out of, beyond. As an adverb, it means outside, outdoors, outwards. The adjective form means outward, outermost, outlying. As a noun, it means the external world, the area beyond someone’s own. And finally, as a verb, outwith means to go beyond, to exceed, to overreach.

Here’s an example of outwith in use:

Ye hae tae gie thaim a ring outwith office hoors.

In Inglis: You have to call them outside of office hours.

If you want to ken the Scots for anything, just ask in the comments section.

Thenks fur stoapin by, and hae a wunnerfu day.

Things in Scots — Post History

Photo by Harrison Haines on


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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7 responses to “Things in Scots #14: Outwith

  1. […] and welcome to December’s project: Things in Scots. This month I am collaborating with my wife, Susan (? follow this link to see and hear her post), and we’ll be posting mostly daily — […]

  2. Chris Hall Avatar

    I am enjoying these, Susan!
    This is one of the words I adopted when I was working ‘up the road’. Just seeing it there reminds me so much of some wonderful people. Happy days! – which I think is probably more an expression from Northern Ireland – correct me if I’m wrong.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series. It’s fun sharing the words that shaped so many of my experiences—and reminding folk, like yourself, of events and people from your past. ? Happy days could be NI… I think I’ve heard it in the north of England—I’ll have to ask Jez when he gets back later (NofE is where he’s originally from.)

  3. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

    gordonmclean: @SusanB had no idea this word was Scots, I use it all the time. via

  4. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

    SusanB: @gordonmclean I found out when I was in the navy and living in England. I got some confused looks. But, when I explained what it meant, a few stated they didn’t know how they got through life without it. ? via

  5. […] also banking on the fact that polis means police in several countries outwith Scotland and that you may have spotted the word on your travels/online. Some of those other […]

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