Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #26 — Literature

Welcome to Week 26 of the Friday Fiction Writing Challenge! Here’s a complete list of all the posts so far. Feel free to join in.

This week’s random word is: Literature

Thank you to Gordon for his thought-provoking response and to Chris for her smile-provoking response to last week’s prompt.

Here’s my response to this week’s prompt:

Nate leaned over the back of the armchair and pressed his lips to Louise’s slender neck. She giggled and turned, capturing his mouth with hers.
“You’re going to be late.”

Nate checked his watch; if the meet wasn’t so important, he’d send someone else. He kissed her one last time before heading to the warehouse district.

Nate flipped his collar to the cold and checked his watch. Again. Kane was a no-show. Damn it.

He should have known the man was all mouth. To have the access he’d boasted about, he’d have known about the encryption key. All Kane had done was parrot Consortium’s cover literature back to him.

Screw it. Tomorrow he’d run Kane through the database to see what turned up. For now, he was going back to the hotel and to Louise. That ball of heat he’d been feeling in his chest for days, grew and spread. He chuckled and shook his head.

Nate quickened his pace, barely taking in the Seine or the lights of the city. The permanent smile on his face no longer felt alien. He was in trouble.

A hard, cold pit formed in his stomach as he stepped off the elevator. The pit grew as he neared their room. Pry marks. He pulled his Sig and eased the door open.

Nate forced all emotion back into the lead box Louise had unlocked.
Blood. Not enough for her to be dead, but enough for him to enjoy killing whoever took her.

Thanks for reading. Have a fun-filled weekend.


  1. Using the prompt, write a maximum of 250 words of fiction. (This can be a scene, flash fiction, some dialogue, a description, etc.)
  2. Link to this post in your post.
  3. Add the tags ffwc, genre scribes, and the genre your post is in.
  4. The deadline is 5 PM (GMT) the following Friday.

Full information is on the Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge page.

Photo by Edward Eyer on


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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13 responses to “Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #26 — Literature

  1. jezbraithwaite Avatar

    Would be an awesome lead in to a movie ? ??

  2. Chris Hall Avatar

    🙂 Great build up, Susan… what comes next?

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Chris! I want to say killing spree. ?

  3. […] by Dylan on MLMM’s First Line Friday. The word Literary was provided by Susan on this weeks Genre Scribes Friday Fiction Writing Challenge. And the photo? I think that one speaks for […]

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks for taking part again, Violet. Just heading over for a read the now. ?

  4. Violet Lentz Avatar

    Do derivatives count? I had your word in mind, but could only fit it in- in the derivative… I’m thinking it’s the thought that counts? Had fun and I am glad to be here so that’s got to count for something too, eh?

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      The word is there to inspire. If you can squeeze it in, great. If not, don’t worry about it. It’s all about getting words down in an entertaining/thought-provoking manner (which you excel at.)

      1. Violet Lentz Avatar

        Well then, I start my day off as a rounding success! Thank you Susan!

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        I loved it, Violet! I’m going to be thinking of that scene for the rest of the day. Probably longer.

  5. […] The post is written in response to a prompt from Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #26 — Literature. […]

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks for taking part 🙂

  6. […] Written in response to a prompt from Susan T. Braithwaite Genre Scribes Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #26 […]

  7. […] Written in response to a prompt from Susan T. Braithwaite Genre Scribes Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #26 […]

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