Things in Scots #20: Dauner

Welcome to post twenty of Things in Scots!—a fun collaboration with my husband, Jez (Mind an gie Jez’s post a keek.)

A quick announcement, and then we’ll get straight back to the post. With 2019 screaming to an end and all the craziness that goes with it, Jez and I will only be able to post to Things in Scots sporadically for the rest of this month. But—you had to know there was a but coming—because we’ve had so much fun sharing the Scots language with you, we’ve decided to continue the series into 2020 with weekly posts (mostly).

And, back to the post.

Today’s word brings to mind spending the weekends with my granda in Glasgow. We’d explore the city, revisiting all his old haunts, and occasionally stopping off at swing parks and the bookies. Aside from the occasional jump on the subway, all of this was done on foot, at a leisurely pace.

Today’s Things in Scots is: Dauner.

Dauner (also dander, danner, daunder) means to stroll, to saunter, to wander, a slow walk.

Here’s an example of dauner in use:

Ah’m jist guan fur a dauner doon e toon. Ah’ll be bak in twinty meenits.

In Inglis: I’m just going for a stroll into town. I’ll be back in twenty minutes.

If you want to ken the Scots for anything, just ask in the comments section.

Thenks fur stoapin by, and hae a wunnerfu day.

Things in Scots — Post History

Photo by mentatdgt on


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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13 responses to “Things in Scots #20: Dauner

  1. […] and welcome to December’s project: Things in Scots. This month I am collaborating with my wife, Susan (? follow this link to see and hear her […]

  2. jezbraithwaite Avatar

    Love taking a dauner with you on a beach ?

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Ohh, me too–with you, obviously. ?

  3. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

    Miraz: @SusanB Thanks for this series. I’ve been enjoying the posts. ? via

  4. bushboy Avatar

    I am so glad that you two had fun posting Scots words. I look forward to hearing more words next year. Cantie yule (is that right?) Probably better if I say have a wonderful Christmas 🙂

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Brian! It’s been great interacting with you here, and on your site. As for *cantie*, I’ll take it! (Also might be stealing it for an upcoming post ?) Wishing you a healthy, happy, and (why did I go with alliteration?) hearty holiday season to you and yours! ?

      1. bushboy Avatar

        You have a way with words Susan 😀

  5. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

    smokey: @SusanB I second @Miraz; it’s been fun to see these from you and @JezB every day (but every-so-often will be a great frequency, too) ? via

  6. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

    SusanB: Oh, thanks, @Miraz. We’re having a lot of fun doing it. ? via

  7. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

    SusanB: Thank you, @smokey. With the reduced posting schedule, I might have a bit more time to hangout on (and see your wonderful pictures.) ? via

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