Things I’m Psyched About for 2020

It’s day two of D65’s 7 Days 7 Posts challenge. Today’s prompt is: What are you looking forward to most this year?

When I first sat down to write this, I tried to settle on the one thing that I’m looking forward to the most. I tried, and I failed. So, here’s what I came up with.

Jez’s birthday

I know it’s weird to be looking forward to someone else’s birthday, but I have good reason. Last year, Jez landed in hospital on his birthday with a collapsed lung (the pancake variety) and was there for five days.

We tried to celebrate when he came home, but we—mainly me—were a wee bit cautious of doing anything, really.

So, I’m looking forward to celebrating my beloved’s special day without a hospital bed in sight.

Digging my toes into the sand

In the middle of the year, we’re going to St Andrews for a few days. As much as I’d love to say that we’ll get to all the historical sites, I’m reasonably sure we’ll manage only a few. It could have something to do with the fact that the beaches stretch for miles and miles and miles. And that we’ll be walking as much of those miles as we can, each day.

Release of the first novel in the Deniable Unit series

Though this isn’t my first release, I’m super excited about it because it’s my first novel, and it’s the first in a genre I absolutely love. (I previously released two erotic novellas some years ago.)

IndyRef2 (2nd Vote on Scottish Independence)

FM Nicola Sturgeon has said that IndyRef2 is happening this year. This fills me with immense hope, excitement, and all-round awesomeness.


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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5 responses to “Things I’m Psyched About for 2020

  1. Darnell Cureton Avatar

    Congrats on the novel release and enjoy Jez’s birthday with twice the fun this year.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Darnell! I’ll just keep him out of trouble until then ?

  2. Photos by Jez Avatar

    Loving all 4 ?

  3. bushboy Avatar

    Independence – yes
    Novel – yes
    Beach – yes as long as there are many photos
    Jez’s birthday – yes throw caution to the wind. Ride that Cruiser until he turns into a Submarine 😀 😀 😀

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