


Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #32 — Dinner

Welcome to #32 of the Friday Fiction Writing Challenge! Here’s a complete list of all the posts so far. Feel free to join in (instructions are at the end of the post).

This week’s random word is: Dinner


Michel reached between his body and the dusty earth beneath him, careful not to get his fingers caught in the fronds of his ghillie suit. He pulled out a fresh stick of gum and popped it into his mouth, never taking his eyes from the hotel below.

This part of the clifftop wasn’t his first choice, but with adventurous tourists cliff camping on their portaledges, he’d had to move. Michel didn’t have witnesses. Never had witnesses to his presence at a job.

A faint click and hiss came through his earpiece.

“Charlie-One, target is entering the building,” Dalton said from the comfort of the van.

Michel tapped the device and said, “Roger that, over.” He tucked his suppressed C14 Timberwolf tight to his shoulder and peered down the scope. As he swept the entrance, he picked up the target in the hotel lobby. “Got him, over.”

“We’ve got hotel security heading our way. Relocating. Over.”
Michel suppressed a chuckle and moved the scope toward the target’s room. He stopped. His attention stuck on the brunette in white, waiting on her dinner companion.


He found the target in his suite, standing by the open window. Michel pulled the trigger; the man’s head rearranged itself on the walls. “It’s done. I’ve got plans. Out.”

In next-to-no time, Michel had the ghillie suit and the weapon stashed near the hotel. He bounded up the steps in his black suit and headed inside.

The brunette smiled at him. “I thought you’d stood me up.”
He smiled at the only person who could place him in the area. “Not a chance.”

Thanks for reading and have a fantabulous weekend!

How To Join In:

  • Using the prompt, write a maximum of 250-ish words of fiction. (This can be a scene, flash fiction, some dialogue, a bit of description, etc.)
  • Link to this post in your post.
  • Add the tags ffwc, genre scribes, and the genre your post is in.
  • The deadline is 6 PM the following Friday.

Full information is on the Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge page.

Author: Susan T. Braithwaite

Royal Navy veteran from Scotland. My journey into writing started with a screenwriting certificate program at UCLA Ext. Since then, I've worked as a freelance content writer, erotica author, proofreader, professional beta reader, and content editor. I'm now working hard on my dream writing career: romantic suspense author. When I'm not writing, I can be found drinking too much coffee, obsessing over yarn, and planning world domination with my husband,, and our squirrel army.​

11 thoughts on “Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #32 — Dinner

    1. Thank you, Violet. What’s on the blog is pretty much what comes out when I write–aside from editing for spelling and grammar. But, it all comes on the back writing (fiction and screenwriting) for donkey’s years, and also working with my editing clients. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t agonise over any of it. The part that I find most difficult is outlining. The trying to decide what happens in the mini-scene, and then trying to figure out how to get it close-ish to the 250-word mark.
      How does it work for you with all of your fiction posts?

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