Two weeks have been and gone by since I last posted. Last week’s post was in my planner, I even used one of my snazzy stickers, but I decided against posting. There were no extenuating circumstances–aside from a severe lack of sleep brought about by reading writing craft books in bed ???? –I was just spent.
This spent feeling extended to posting word count updates, hence the lack of those. I’m still writing, but it’s been a struggle to get the big word count days in. Daily life can sometimes, unfortunately, push writing to the backseat.
Even though I didn’t post an entry last week, I did set myself a writing goal, and I’ll share how that went–along with the previous week.
Review 5th August – 18th August 2021
My Writing Goals for 5th – 11th August
- Write 5000 words for Running The Asset. (Hit 28,654 total words)
How Did I Do?
In the last journal entry, I screwed up. I assumed it was a five-day workweek and set my goal accordingly. Buuut, it was only a three-day workweek. Granted, it’s a nice wee mistake, but it caused a whole lot of wild flailing and running for the panic stations.
It doesn’t take a highly caffeinated squirrel wielding a scientific calculator to determine that I didn’t hit my goal. I added 2,773 words, taking the manuscript (MS) to a total of 25,304.
You know, looking at the numbers on the screen, I’m actually pleased with how it went. Now onto last week.
My Writing Goals for 12th – 18th August
- Write 5000 words for Running The Asset. (Hit 30,304 total words)
How Did I Do?
Not great, not terrible, but I’m okay with it. I added 3,703 words, which takes the MS to a total count of 29,007.
Last week was like writing in a bath of congealed porage with a paintbrush between my teeth. Though, I have figured out what the issue was/is.
My most creative and productive writing time is between 0400 and 1100. Lately, I’ve used that time slot to block out the scenes before writing them, effectively wasting that golden time.
The so-obvious-even-Moon-Moon-could-see-it solution is to block out the scenes in the afternoon. That way, when I sit down to write the next morning, I’m prepared for a high word count day.

This Week’s Goal
- Add 5000 words for Running The Asset (hit 34,007 words total)
Thursday | Write 1000 words |
Friday | Write 1000 words |
Saturday | Write 1000 words |
Sunday | Write 1000 words |
Monday | Write 1000 words |
Tuesday | Day aff (Bike ride! ?) |
Wednesday | Day aff (Bike ride! ?) |
That’s it for today. Thanks for stopping by, and take care.
P.S. The only problem with searching for Moon Moon memes is there are too many, and they’re so fudging funny. Enjoy.

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