#Scotstober Day 7 #Skoosh

Today’s word is skoosh, and it’s a braw one. So braw, that it’s featured on the site before.

Skoosh was part of our (mine and Jez’s) Things in Scots series. And just to jog your memories, here’s a wee recap of what it means: to spray, to gush. It’s also a word for fizzy juice like the awesomeness that is Irn Bru. And, it even means something is easy to do.

In honour of today’s word, and as a welcome wee break for me, I thought I’d make this post a skoosh for me. Here’s a picture post of my favourite skoosh.


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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9 responses to “#Scotstober Day 7 #Skoosh

  1. bushboy Avatar

    No translation!!!! What have you done to my head????
    I reckon writing Scots must send spell check mad or do you have a special setting?

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      A’ll hae a clash fur ye the morra. There’s ma thoum! (I’ll have a story for you tomorrow. I give you my promise!)
      As for spellcheck…It’s just a sea of red, squiggly lines. It’s like a murder scene on my screen. ? Grammarly doesn’t know what to do with me. ?

  2. Photos by Jez Avatar

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    Day 7 for #Scotstober is #skoosh

  3. Chris Hall Avatar

    I remember ‘skoosh’ 🙂

  4. Aletta - nowathome Avatar

    Can not believe I could actually read the story! Here and there I got stuck! Skoosh is a very descriptive word! The sound of the bottle opening! 😀

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thank you, Aletta! I’m so glad you were able to read it. I may be totally wrong here, but I think I recall seeing that you’ve written in Dutch in your comments section on your site. Scots and Dutch share some common root words. There’s stories about Scots and Dutch soldiers in WWII who were able to understand each other without too much trouble. If I’m wrong about there being Dutch on your site, then you’re even more impressive. ?

      1. Aletta - nowathome Avatar

        That is very interesting Susan! I am Afrikaans. Afrikaans is a creole language that evolved during the 19th century under colonialism in southern Africa. This simplified, creolised language had its roots mainly in Dutch, mixed with seafarer variants of Malay, Portuguese, Indonesian and the indigenous Khoekhoe and San languages. We had Dutch at school too. Perhaps that is why I could read most of it.

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        Wow, that’s such a rich history of language–aside from the colonialism. I bet that you can probably grasp bits of each of those languages.

      3. Aletta - nowathome Avatar

        I don’t know I would recognise any of the other languages at all!

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