Today’s word is bawkie. I’m just going to sit here and do a wee bit lalalalala because as I discovered earlier this year, I’m not a fan of bawkies.
Okay, so bawkie generally refers to bats, you know, the winged variety. My unease (it’s not full-on fear) of them was a shock because I’ve been in touching distance of one before while on a school trip to New Lanark. I didn’t touch the cute wee thing as it’s illegal to do so in Scotland unless you’re licensed.
I think my unease comes from the fact that these bats were flying, and their wings were way too close to me in the early hours. Whereas the one I met as a kid was tucked safely in its handler’s hand. No wings flapping, no low flybys, no following me around with malicious intent. I may have a problem with things that fly near me ?.
And back to the definition.
Bawkie also means spectre, ghost, and apparition. You know those wee winged seeds from sycamore trees? They’re bawkies, too.
Well, that’s it for today’s #Scotstober post. See you tomorrow ?

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