#Scotstober Day 24 #Bogle

Today’s word, bogle, is a fun one. As a noun, bogle means an ugly or terrifying ghost, a phantom, a scarecrow, a bugbear, a cause of annoyance. As a verb, it means to bewitch, bamboozle, bellow or shout.

Unfortunately, I haven’t written anything that has ghosts or phantoms in it since my screenwriting days, but I do have a snippet about a man-shaped cause of annoyance. ?

Here’s my response to the prompt (taken from Running The Asset):

Elle wis amaist it the lift whan hir phone jowed. “Hullo?”

“Did ye git hit?” Dekker sayed ower the line.

She skitit intae the empie collogue room. “Naw. Noo, lave me alane.”

“No tae ye git at drive tae me.”

She steekit hir een an socht souse. “There naethin here. A wint yet oot ma lyfe.”

“Hit disnae wirk lik at, Doll. A’m gonnae be a close bogle i yer lyfe tae ye git at drive. The suiner ye git hit, the suiner A’m oot yer lyfe.”

Elle gruppen the phone haird eneuch at thir wis a unchancie creck. “Fuk ye.”

He hid the gallusness tae keckle. “Ye areddies did.”

And now in English.

Elle was almost at the lift when her phone rang. “Hello?”

“Did you get it?” Dekker said over the line.

Elle slipped into the empty conference room. “No. Now, leave me alone.”

“Not until you get that drive to me.”

She shut her eyes and sighed heavily. “There’s nothing here. I want you out of my life.”

“It doesn’t work like that, Doll. I’m going to be a constant source of annoyance in your life until you get that drive. The sooner you get it, the sooner I’m out of your life.”

Elle gripped the phone hard enough that there was a threatening crack. “Fuck you.”

He had the audacity to chuckle. “You already did.”


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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8 responses to “#Scotstober Day 24 #Bogle

  1. bushboy Avatar

    I was going OK for a while there……..

  2. Photos by Jez Avatar

    Reminds me of “what’s your bogle” from Demolition Man ? Be well ?

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Be well, Jez Braithwaite ?

      1. Photos by Jez Avatar

        Be well, Susan Braithwaite ?

  3. Chris Hall Avatar

    Maybe where JK Rowland got her boggarts from??

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      I’ll have to take your word on that. I haven’t read her books, so don’t know what they are in the books.

      1. Chris Hall Avatar

        I’ll maybe just let that one lie then… 🙂

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