Today’s word, glisk, is a beautiful one–to me, at least. It means glance, glimpse, gleam, sparkle, brief moment, trace, touch, resemblance, similarity.
What I find so beautiful about it is the sound. It starts off soft, then finishes on a hard k. Almost as if it mimics the sound of a sparkle (okay, the sound sparkles make in my head).
Here’s my response to the prompt (taken from Running The Asset):
Adam swypit the herr awa fae Elle’s foreheid an fir a glisk he mulled the smuith huil there. “A hae twa reules at A nivver brak,” he cowpit hir face oop tae heez an he preed hir lips, “an A’m i dainger o brakin thaim wi ye.”
And now in English.
Adam swept the hair away from Elle’s forehead and for a brief moment he kissed the smooth skin there. “I have two rules that I never break,” he tilted her face up to his and tasted her lips, “and I’m in danger of breaking them both with you.”
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