Phew! Last month was a wee bit of a bugger. I overextended myself a bit with Scotstober and my writing aims. Unfortunately, I always have to pay for going overboard–in the form of a CRPS flare-up. Hence the lack of an update last week and the lateness of this one.
The flare-up is still in full swing (it’s a dick like that), but having taken a few days off from everything, I feel okay enough to make a start at getting back to it.
So, onto the MEGA REVIEW… it’s okay, there’s not too much blah, blah, blah.

My Writing Goals for 21st – 27th October 2021
- Write 3000 words for Running The Asset. (Hit 59,753 total words)
- Block out the next two scenes
How Did I Do?
I actually blocked out the two scenes. I know; I’m shocked, too. Word count wise I added another 4,294, taking the manuscript to a total of 61,048 words! ?
My Writing Goals for 27th October – 3rd November 2021
- Write 2000 words for Running The Asset. (Hit 63,048 total words)
- Block out the next two scenes
Did I Do It?
I saw the flare-up coming last week and knew that I’d need some time off, so I lowered my word goal to account for that. Obviously, with my natural aversion to scene blocking, I didn’t block out any scenes–I don’t know why I have such an issue with doing it. Man, I really need to get over that.
The blocking thing aside, I did manage to get another 2,064 words added to the MS. The new total is 63,112.
This Week’s Goal
- Write 3000 words (taking me to 67,112)
- Block out the next two scenes
That’s it for today. Thanks for stopping by, and take care.
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