Author Journal 27th January – 2nd February 2022

It’s Wednesday, which can only mean it’s time for a wee update on how Running the Asset is going.

Hmm. Things are not quite right in my writery world. Nope, not at all. But it’s not all bad.

Review 20th to 26th January 2022

Okay, last week’s goals were:

  1. Re-block Acts I and II (a) for future editing/rewrites
  2. Apply lessons on Universal Fantasies from 7 Figure Fiction to the scene level for Acts I and II (a) as I re-block.

How Did It Go?

I’m going to state right here that I’m happy with what I achieved this week. I worked hard, covered a lot of planning ground, and made progress on my overall goal of getting the story done.

But… I did not complete anything on the list.

I misjudged the amount of work and time needed for the above tasks by a lot. In this context, my definition of a lot is somewhere between making a souffle with no oven and attempting to paint the Forth Rail Bridge in a day.

The best way I can describe re-blocking scenes I’ve already written to reflect the new changes is that it’s like a renovation. I don’t know if you’ve ever renovated an old house, but if you have, you’ll be having cold sweats at the memory. And, if you’ve not had the experience, let me tell you it’s a nightmare that will haunt you forever.

As I said, re-blocking is like a renovation. We did our old 1780s house up north about a decade ago. The plan was simple; knock out a few walls, redo the bathroom and kitchen, and decorate. Basically, we planned an update; that’s it.

Once the sledgehammer punched through the first bit of wall, that’s when we realized we had bitten off way more than we’d planned on chewing. We found lathe and plaster and a mix of ancient, semi-modern, and modern wiring. The chimney that had seemed great from the outside… was falling down on the inside. The list of surprising fixes needed kept growing the more we did.

Eventually, we finished the job, and the house was beautiful. But, big but, bulldozing the place may have been faster, easier, and cheaper to have rebuilt from the ground up.

This is a really long way of telling you that, as with all projects–especially refurbs, including the writing kind–the list of fixes grows the more you tinker with it.

Like the sledgehammer on our old house, the first changes revealed a slew of nightmare issues–timeline issues that needed addressing, emotion tracking issues, location changes, and the list goes on. For a few days, I panicked that I’d have to re-plot from the ground up, especially when the coffee ran out. But, on remembering the old house, I took a breath, knowing that even though this is the most time-consuming and frustrating part of the job, this will be worth it.

This Week’s Writing Goals

I’m going to be a bit more realistic this week. If I manage to get more done, then great, but if I don’t, I’m not going to sweat it.

  • Block Act I for future editing/rewrites
  • Apply lessons on Universal Fantasies from 7 Figure Fiction to the scene level for Acts I and II (a) as I re-block.

That’s it for today. Thanks for stopping by, and take care.


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About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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15 responses to “Author Journal 27th January – 2nd February 2022

  1. Stefanie Neumann Avatar

    You know, I once had an idea for a novel and I started to work out the characters and wrote a pitch and a longline and a small summary and the first chapter – and then I ran into similar issues as you described. And then I got completely overwhelmed (especially upon the idea that I will have to continue to do that kind of work as the story goes along) and now my novel is hoping that at some point I will get over that part with the overwhelm.

    I am telling you this so that you can get an idea of how much I admire you for taking on this task.

    Happy “renovating” – may the surprises be happy and inspiring ones!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Stefanie! I hope you manage to get back to your novel. It sounds like you hit a structural issue–and that is very fixable. If you want any help with structure I’d be happy to help.

      1. Stefanie Neumann Avatar

        Thanks Susan – for the encouragement as well as the offer to help. – I might come back to the latter, one day, if you are not too busy as a famous writer by then. ?

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        ? Thank you for your vote of confidence, Stefanie! I’ll be here when you’re ready.

  2. Chris Hall Avatar

    I like the analogy, Susan! House renovation: been there, done that. Gosh, yes, nightmares revisited; but we know it’ll turn out all right e-v-e-n-t-u-a-l-l-y. At least our two house renovations were (coincidentally) both built in 1911 – youngsters compared to yours.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Chris!
      Sorry for any nightmares I cause ? Ooft, two? Wow, yous were keen. But, yeah, eventually they do turn out all right. ?
      (This was in Spam for some reason–as were some from other people ????.)

      1. Chris Hall Avatar

        Thanks for retrieving me, Susan. It’s been happening to me again ?

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        Do you know why?

      3. Chris Hall Avatar

        The Askimet bots don’t like me…? No idea.

  3. Photos by Jez Avatar

    Great work, Sweetie ? Just remember acroprops ?

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, sweetie! ?
      I’d forgotten all about the acroprops…cold sweat…and now the memory of how awesome they were!

  4. Aletta - nowathome Avatar

    You can do it! Hang in there Susan!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Aletta, I will!

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