Hiya ?
I had hoped to share a decent leap in my progress this week, but alas, that was not to be.

Review 16th – 22nd June 2022
Here’s what last week’s goal looked like:
- Say What You Mean (SWYM) edit (for structure) Act I (scenes 1 -4) of Running the Asset
To get the editing done, I needed to write brand new versions of scenes 1, 2, and 4 and a rewrite of scene 3.
Here’s How It Went
I got scene one written, and I love how it turned out. I’m a third of the way through scenes two and three–my focus is all over the shop at the moment, and I ended up jumping between both scenes. I didn’t get around to dealing with scene four.
I’ll be honest, I’ve been finding it increasingly difficult to keep my mind on the work lately. I forced myself to get the first draft written faster than I’m physically capable of (causing far too many CRPS flare-ups), and it’s taking its toll on me.
I should have taken a break from the story, given myself some time to recover, and let the manuscript sit for a bit so I could come back to it with fresh eyes… but I didn’t. And now I’m struggling to do the work without causing another flare-up.
The Plan
I’m going to take a break for a couple of weeks and then decide if I plough on with editing Running the Asset or if I jump into book two (Bulletproof Heart) to create more distance and then go back to the edits. For now, I’m going to pull back, take it easy, and refill the creative well.
This break is going to affect my posting schedule, too… I think. (I’m so disorganised at the moment! My whole planner way of life fell off the rails while I was racing toward writing ‘The End’ ?
Well, I’m off to make some French bread and possibly some much-needed planner stickers. Until next time, thanks for stopping by, and take care. See you all soon! ?

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