The first thing that pops into my head when I hear the word mission is an actual mission. The kind that involves taking down bad guys, well, taking them out. But that’s probably because of The Deniable Unit series I’m writing… and the missions they deal with. But my mission… writing?
Why Do I Write?
I’ve written a lot about that while doing various writing courses over the years. I always thought it was weird to explain why I wanted to write. I just did. Was there really any need to go deeper?
When I looked at writing from a reader’s perspective, there was a deeper reason. It wasn’t just a drive to write. I had an actual reason, a mission. Yep, it was a shock to me, too.
The Power of Non-Fiction
Alongside music, books have been the biggest helpers in my life. The obvious help coming from non-fiction books that have helped—and continue to help—me change my mindset and how I see and treat myself. The books that stand out are The Artist’s Way and Atomic Habits (I’m still working my way through these two), The Chimp Paradox, and I Am Enough.
I’ve learnt how to write screenplays and novels and how to ghostwrite for clients. Other books helped Jez and me renovate an 1800s home in the days before YouTube got really helpful on home repairs.
But this help isn’t exclusive to non-fiction.
The Magic of Fiction

Fiction has offered me more than just the help of giving me aha moments when I’ve seen a character work through a similar problem or deal with a flaw I had. No, fiction has comforted me while I was dealing with my mum’s sudden death.
The stories within those pages of fiction have taken me on adventures around the world. I’ve been a spy, a killer for hire, and a civilian caught up in a dangerous world. And I’ve fallen in love repeatedly, been trapped in snowstorms, and run for my life under the baking sun. (Man, I love romantic suspense!)
But best of all, when I pick up a book by my favourite author (Anne Stuart), I forget about the real world, my responsibilities, and the stresses and strains of daily life for a while. It’s a break that not even the best movie can give me. I’m transported into my favourite kind of world, one filled with ruthless killers, romance, and a whole lot of fun!
My Writing Mission Unveiled

My writing mission became clear once I took a step back and looked at why I love books. I want to give readers a break from what’s going on in their lives. Books are pure magic! Whether you read a physical copy or one on an eReader or even your phone, you carry about the ability to escape for just a wee bit.
I want to help in the way all my favourite authors have done for me. I want to provide respite, a mini-holiday, a mental health break. I want to write books that do all that and make you smile and get the giddies when you finish my books.

So, what magical escapes have books given you? Drop your thoughts in the comments!
Stay awesome, and happy reading (and writing)!
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