Where Does Decluttering Start in a Creative’s Life?
Getting rid of clutter extends beyond the physical for me—it’s also about mental and emotional spaces. My decluttering journey as a writer navigating life with CRPS is a wee bittie challenging.
Physical Clutter: The Writer’s Constant Companion
Yes, I’ve tried Marie Kondo’s method, but let’s be honest: my workspace is a testament to the chaotic nature of my creative process. First drafts are handwritten, then transcribed—a system that, while necessary, leaves a paper trail in its wake.
Mental Clutter is the Real Creative Block
The real clutter, however, isn’t on my desk. It’s in my mind. Today’s Bloganuary prompt made me realise that my biggest issue isn’t the physical mess but the mental one—juggling too many responsibilities, letting others’ problems overshadow my priorities, and the biggie: allowing fear to block my creativity.
The Hidden Desires Saga

This realisation, the fear one, hit home when reflecting on my past publication experience. When I published Hidden Desires, the first erotic novelette in my Carmichaels series, it received great reviews. My online presence was flourishing and my writing future looked bright. But then, an old “friend” falsely reported my Facebook page and website for pornographic content. This sabotage led to a loss of followers and my website being buried in the ‘explicit’ search results.

Despite rebuilding from scratch and even achieving success with the second book, Ever Craving, the same pattern of unfounded complaints and unjust censorship repeated. In fact, it escalated to a complaint to Amazon, leading to both books getting locked in the ‘Adult’ dungeon.
This experience not only affected my online presence but also left deep emotional scars, fueling fears of future creative endeavours being similarly targeted.
Unblocking My Path with The Artist’s Way
Through The Artist’s Way, I’ve learnt that these fears and the habit of prioritising others’ needs are forms of creative self-sabotage. It’s a pattern I’ve recognised and am actively working to change.
Embracing a New Creative Philosophy

I’m confronting these fears head-on. Now, when I feel overwhelmed, I commit to writing at least one page longhand. This act, simple as it may seem, helps me break through the mental clutter and focus on my art.
Have you ever had to declutter your life—physically, mentally, or emotionally—to unblock your creativity? I’d love to hear how you navigated these challenges.
On a Break, But Still Connected
I’m currently on a short break, embracing the peace it brings. But I’ll still be here, sharing and connecting with you through Bloganuary. Can’t wait to read your stories and insights (tomorrow is catchup day for me).
Stay decluttered and creative,
Susan x
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