Dream Big, Live Simple: My Lottery Win Wishlist

The Lottery Dream: More than Just Glitz and Glamour

A Ferrari for every day of the week, a diamond necklace with matching earrings and bracelet, of course, and a string of mansions across the globe-it’s the typical lottery win daydream. But I’ll be honest: my fantasies are a tad different and perhaps a bit less glittery.

The Screenwriting Question That Changed Everything

The lottery test

In one of my early screenwriting courses, an instructor asked us a question that has become my guide. ‘If you won the lottery tonight, would you still want to be a screenwriter?’

It was a test, a way to weed out the time-wasters, the poseurs, who liked to talk about screenwriting in coffee houses without ever actually doing any writing.

I gave the question a lot of thought—the courses were expensive, and I didn’t want to waste money on some fleeting whim. Sure, the money from a lottery win would take a lot of pressure off us, but the thought of not pursuing screenwriting chilled me to the core.

My writing path may have changed, but that question has guided me to determine what I want to do. A side effect of doing the lottery test is that it makes you fantasise about what you’d do with a win.

The Comfortable Win

I’m not after the massive £150M+ EuroMillions jackpots. Managing that kind of wealth seems like a full-time job! Nah, a cosy sum between £500K and £2M is more my style. It’s enough to fulfil my dreams without the overwhelming pressure of immense wealth.

Building Dreams

lottery dream home

First on the list is a container house in Aberdeenshire – a sustainable, cosy, and unique home. Add to that my dream car, a 1969 Ford Mustang (converted to electric, of course) and a camper van for creative adventures on the road.

Obviously, we’d need a holiday to get over the shock and financial relief. Returning to Malibu to revisit our old haunts sounds like the best plan. ?

Giving Back

Beyond the personal indulgences, I’d focus on giving back. Supporting local food banks and homeless charities would be a priority, ensuring those in need aren’t left behind.

The Write Investment

Let’s not forget about my passion – writing. Other than that, and the money we’d need to keep us comfortable, I’d squirrel money away for editing and book covers.

Big Wins or Modest Dreams?

So, are you a big-win dreamer, or do you prefer smaller big wins? What dream/goal would you pursue even if you won the lottery? Let me know in the comments!

Sorry for being a bit behind on comments this week. I’ve been snowed under with work, and the break I was hoping for didn’t happen. But I plan on catching up on all the comments tomorrow. Thanks for being so patient!

Stay awesome!

Susan x

Bloganuary writing prompt
What would you do if you won the lottery?

About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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15 responses to “Dream Big, Live Simple: My Lottery Win Wishlist

  1. Kevin Avatar

    I’m not greedy. Just want enough to wet my beak as they say lol
    That said, the more I win, the more people I can help, so there is that!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      That’s true!

  2. Kevin Avatar

    Oh, and when I win, I am so getting a Bentley!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Well, you have to be comfortable! ?

      1. Kevin Avatar

        Damn straight! ?


    I’m with you on the ’69 Mustang…but only of you can get the electric motor to make ‘vroom-vroom’ sounds.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      That comes as standard in my head! ?

  4. Cee Tee Jackson Avatar

    I think you’re 100% correct regards the mega-win. I’m the same – enough so’s I no longer have to worry. I wouldn’t be looking to dramatically change my lifestyle, so a relatively modest amount would be welcome. 🙂

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      That’s it exactly! Maybe we should all set up a syndicate for those big ones and share the wealth ?

  5. Chris Hall Avatar

    If you win big, just blow it (mostly)!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Nah, I want to know we’ve got security for life… but if it was a stupidly big win, well, some charities will have a hell of a windfall.

  6. Photos by Jez Avatar

    Love the Container House ? When do we move ?

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Now would be the best time… just need the coins ??

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