SLDS: A Forest Ambush

In the hush of twilight, the forest breathes around you. Shadows grow and merge, shrouding the serene landscape in a blanket of mystery. In the distance, the subtle crunch of leaves breaks the silence—a sound that could easily go unnoticed. But not by you.

Is it merely wildlife scurrying in the underbrush or something more sinister? A hidden adversary lying in wait? Or is it this week’s theme for our Spies, Lies & Digital Skies art challenge: “Ambush in a Shadowy Forest.”

What is SLDS?: SLDS is a weekly prompt challenge that encourages artists of all levels, including non-artists, to create an image with a spy and romance theme. You can use various tools such as Photoshop, ArtRage, Procreate, DALL-E, MidJourney, Microsoft Edge’s CoPilot, or any other software that you prefer to create your artwork.

? How To Join In ?
  1. Create and Share: Craft artwork inspired by the weekly prompt using any digital tool that inspires you.
  2. Share Your Creation: Post your artwork on your blog and link to this post, or share it on Instagram using the hashtag #SLDSart and tag me @susbraithwaite. Make sure to do so before next Friday!
  3. Pingback Issues: Pingbacks aren’t working 50% of the time, so leave your link in the comments so we all can visit your post. ?
  4. Engage and Inspire: Join our community of artists and spies. Your work might be featured in our intelligence brief (blog post).

Celebrating Last Week’s Entries: A Spy’s Hidden Safe House

If you love the idea of a defendable, secure home tucked away from prying eyes, you’ll adore last week’s entries. Special thanks to Kevin, Claire, Jez, and Marie for their creative takes on the “A spy’s hidden safe house” prompt. Your perfect hideouts have added new layers (or should that be lairs) to our spy collective!??

Check out my favourites from last week…

Going Off-Grid with Kevin

Check out Kevin’s post for more off-grid awesomeness!

Going Underground with Claire

Check out Claire’s post for more on her superb secret lair.

Going into the Woods with Jez

Check out Jez’s post for more amazing safe houses.

Going Literal with Marie

Check out Marie’s post for more spectacular “safe” safe houses!

This Week’s Challenge: Ambush in a Shadowy Forest

This week, we pivot away from the safety of secluded safe houses to the nerve-racking scenario of an ambush in a shadowy forest. Oh, yay, there’s nothing quite like an ambush to get the heart racing, is there? The thrill of the unknown—are you the hunter or the hunted? Let the suspense of an unseen assailant or your unwitting target inspire your artwork as we dive into our imagination’s darker, uncharted territories.

Create With Me: Let’s Set Up an Ambush in a Forest!

The moment I read the prompt, a memory of a mini-scene stirred in my mind. A few years back, I’d written something for Genre Scribes, my old sprint writing challenge series, that perfectly fit this prompt.

Inspiration for an Ambush

The scene may have been blasted out in under five minutes, but it has stuck in my mind for the five years since I wrote it. Let’s hope it serves me well as I tweak it into a prompt for DALL-E ?

Life dripped from the treetops down to the forest floor. A cacophony of life hummed all around Cammy’s hideout in the tree hollow. A bird overhead whistled a frantic tune—a warning call.


The air changed, a stillness that had the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. Something was coming. Someone was coming. She readied her father’s old Colt 1911 as quietly as she could.


Cammy’s heart raced. He was close now. A flash of black moved through the trees toward her.

Do or die, Cammy.

She tugged the fishing line hard, triggering the branches she’d set up to tumble. The man slid to a stop, distracted by the sudden noise. She eased out of her hidey-hole and took aim at the man who’d been sent to kill her. The man who’d destroyed her heart.

Let’s Get Prompting!

I’m going to start out lazy and simply copy/paste the scene into DALL-E to see what happens. I don’t have much hope that it will work out that great, but who knows—it could turn out brilliantly!


I’m impressed! It looks far better than I’d hoped. It’s pretty sinister, which is awesome, but way too dark, and the woman is out of proportion.

Attempt Number Two

Laziness gave me a great base to work with, but as I’m still on heavy painkillers at the moment… I don’t relish the thought of multiple rounds of arguments with the AI ?

The best plan here is to pull out the key imagery that tells an interesting story. Here goes! ?

PROMPT: Please create a wide-format, high-angle image of the following: a forest at dusk. The trees cast long shadows in a small clearing. A woman, scared but determined, peeks out from a hollow in the ground. Gun drawn, aiming at a shadowy figure of a man. The man has a gun, too. He holds it casually at his side as he unwittingly approaches the hidden woman.


Okay. The first of DALL-E’s images, well, totally misses the mark! ? I suppose the woman has been ambushed rather than the other way around. I’m intrigued by the other figure walking in the background.

Luckily, DALL-E produces two images for the same prompt.


Oh, I love this image. It’s not exactly what I asked for, but it’s so close, and it tells an intriguing story.

Over to You

Now it’s your turn. Take the leap and join our wee art community. Let your imagination take you on an adventure into an ambush in a shadowy forest. Share your interpretation of the prompt in the comments, or better yet, bring your vision to life and share it with us! (See the beginning of the post for “How to join in”).

Hit the follow button and join us next week to see where our creative journey takes us.

Till next time, stay awesome,

Susan x


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

Susan on Instagram

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9 responses to “SLDS: A Forest Ambush

  1. […] Hi all ? My latest post for Susan’s Digital Art Challenge: Ambush in a Shadowy Forest. […]

  2. Marie Avatar

    Ooh. Love the 1st image with the woman’s profile in the hill.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thank you, Marie!

  3. […] Art Challenge! I’ve poured my creativity into capturing the essence of the theme, ‘Ambush in a Shadowy Forest.’ Drawing inspiration from the adrenaline-fueled action of my favorite online games like PUBG […]

  4. Mrs. Claire Gutknecht Avatar

    I’m not sure what’s going on with my WordPress, but I can’t seem to view other people’s images. All I see is a tiny photo icon. The theme is fantastic though!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks for the heads-up on that. I was using links to the images, so that might be the culprit. I’ve downloaded the images for this week’s post… Hopefully, they’ll all show up this time. Thanks again! ?

  5. Kevin Avatar

    Great work, Susan! I’ll see what I can come up with later this weekend!

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