Welcome to Week 5 of the Friday Fiction Writing Challenge! Here’s a complete list of all the posts so far if you’d like to join in.
This week’s random word is: Call.
I didn’t have much time to dilly-dally on the challenge today. The site was down for a couple of days while I moved from wordpress.com to wordpress.org. So, I pretty much just got my head down and let my imagination do its job.
Here’s my first sprint (unedited):
Life dripped from the treetops down to the forest floor. A cacophony of life hummed all around Cammy’s hideout in the tree hollow. A bird overhead whistled a frantic tune—a warning call.
The air changed, a stillness that had the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. Something was coming. Someone was coming. She readied her father’s old Colt 1911 as quietly as she could.
Cammy’s heart raced. He was close now. A flash of black moved through the trees toward her.
Do or die, Cammy.
She tugged the fishing line hard, triggering the branches she’d set up to tumble. The man slid to a stop, distracted by the sudden noise. She eased out of her hidey-hole and took aim at the man who’d been sent to kill her. The man who’d destroyed her heart.
The part that got my mind jumping was: the man who’d been sent to kill her. Admittedly, I love killer and kill-ee falling for each other. Probably something to do with the fact that enemies-to-lovers is my all-time favorite romance trope.
So, here’s my second sprint:
Cammy forced a smile onto her face. He’d believe it was genuine, Gavin had no reason to think otherwise.
“You’ll love it. I promise.” Gavin held her face in his hands, his eyes so soft like he wasn’t planning on killing her on their trek.
She leaned into his touch, proud of the fact she didn’t tremble. “I know.”
He kissed her, and the idiot that she is moaned. The man had a dossier on her and a kill order on her—and she moaned!
I think this is another story seed I’d like to work on later. The couple have the right kind of fun factor for me.
Thanks for reading!
- Don’t think too hard on the noun; just write about it for five minutes.
- Once the five minutes are up, walk away for about five/ten minutes.
- Now, come back to the text and re-read it,
- Pick out something that piques your interest and write about that for five minutes.
- Be courageous and post your results to your blog. (Both sets of writing sessions or just the one, it’s up to you.)
- Complete the challenge on your blog before 1700 UTC of the following Friday.
- Link to the original prompt post and make sure to use the tag Genre Scribes so that we can see all the posts together in WP Reader.
- Your text must be fiction (preferably one you publish in (or plan to).
- No real-life stories.
- The text can be dialogue, an interior monologue, a scene, flash fiction, anything… so long as it’s fiction.
Full information is on the Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge page.
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