Gat a Shewin Machine — Got a Sewing Machine

A wee post in Scots

Ower e last twa-three month, Ah’ve been barkin an fleein oan e eBay wabstaid. Dinnae fash, Ah’m fendie an bocht athin saicant-handit.

The day, Ah gat aroon tae yuisin ma new-tae-iz shewin machine. Ah goat it fur wanworth £20 plus P&P. Whit e bairgin!

Noo, time tae git a wheen claes mendit.

Inglis owersettin ablow (English translation below).

Over the last few months, I’ve been spending extravagantly on eBay. Don’t worry, I’m thrifty and got everything second-hand.

Today, I got around to using my new-to-me sewing machine. I got it for the bargain price of £20 plus postage and packaging. What a bargain!

Now, it’s time to mend some clothes.


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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3 responses to “Gat a Shewin Machine — Got a Sewing Machine

  1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

    SusanB: @Cheri It is! I’ve already fixed a pair of trousers. Okay, it’s a weird kind of fun…or maybe I need to get out more ? via

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