#Scotstober Day 20 #Birl

Today’s word is birl. Birl means to spin, whirl, dance, whirring or rattling noise; to move fast, bustling. You may remember seeing the word birl before in earlier entries: Dreich and Stramash.

Just a wee aside: A well-meaning person had informed me that I was incorrect in how I spelt the word fuck in Scots. He told me it was feck (I think this might be Irish), but that never sat well with me as it’s not how I say it. I say and spell it with a hard K (fuk). Anyway, I decided to look up the way I say it and think it’s spelt, and guess what? On Dictionaries of the Scots Language’s site, feck means something entirely different. And the site also confirmed that my spelling (fuk) was correct. So, from now on, I’m going with what my gut always told me. I thought I’d share that as I use fuck a lot, a lot, a lot, in my writing, and I don’t want to cause any confusion.

And on to the response to the prompt (taken from Running The Asset):

Trevor birlt bak tae Haas, wha’d gilravaged a hail server o caviar i less nor twa meenits, an wis noo stertin in the partan. Trevor nairrad heez een it the mannie ower heez gless. “They’re stull screengin the causey claen o the harins o the laist bodie wha ettled tae fuk iz ower.”

Haas choakit oan the partan he hid stappit I heez mou.

And now in English.

Trevor turned back to Haas, who’d devoured an entire salver of caviar in less than two minutes, and was now starting on the crab. Trevor narrowed his eyes at the man over his glass. “They’re still scrubbing the street clean of the brains of the last person who tried to fuck me over.”

Haas choked on the crab claw he’d stuffed in his mouth.


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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13 responses to “#Scotstober Day 20 #Birl

  1. Stefanie Neumann Avatar

    A aye thocht feck wis somethin enteerly different that fuk…
    Thankye fer the heids-up.
    An aw thankye fer sharin aw the braw scrievin!

    1. Stefanie Neumann Avatar

      *than, nae that…

    2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      A ken. A wis juist an eejit fir takin at gadgies wird at fuck wis feck. ???? Ay, juist geng wi fuk fir fuck.
      Thankye fir yer keind wirds, an fir takin the time tae veesit. ?

  2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

    Stefanie Neumann: And, here’s the link to the English translation on my site (warning: there’s a fair bit of swearing in the post intro ?): susantbraithwaite.com/2021/10/20/sco… via twitter.com

  3. bushboy Avatar

    A great example Susan ?

  4. Aletta - nowathome Avatar

    Interesting story!!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar
  5. Chris Hall Avatar

    Feck makes me think of Father Ted and I’m pretty sure that’s not he kind of image you want your readers to picture.
    FYI – in Afrikaans the word you’d want is ‘fok’.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Chris. Yeah, I was wary of the guys suggestion, and should have double checked it /went with my gut… I’ve now got Father Jack as my hero. ?
      I’ve just learned from another blogger, Aletta – nowathome, that Afrikaans is related to Dutch. Scots and Dutch have a lot of common words, different spellings. So, with your info on ‘fok’ that really does back up my gut with ‘fuk’. Thank you muchly for the input!

      1. Chris Hall Avatar

        The Dutch East India Company brought some of the first settlers to the Cape and when the British started causing bother, they spread out across southern Africa in the Great Trek. In time, Afrikaans developed into a simplified version of Dutch.

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        The history of languages is just fascinating, isn’t it?

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