What I’m Reading 7th January

I’ve been thinking about sharing what I’m reading for a while now. Like most readers, I used to put it all into Goodreads, but since getting a Kobo, it’s not as quick as doing it on the Kindle. Plus, I’ve never really gotten into GR that much.

My solution is a simple weekly post. Yip, that’s pretty much it. The links to the books don’t have affiliate codes–they may eventually if I ever bother my arse to get around to it.

I don’t know about you, but I choose a word or phrase each year that I aim for. Last year it was progress, and I have to say I did make a lot of progress with my writing. This year’s word is balance, mainly because I went a wee bit doolally with forcing progress to the point it messed with my health.

So, my starting books of the year represent the kind of balance I’m aiming for. Work, fun, and me-time.

The Work Read

7 Figure Fiction: How to Use Universal Fantasy to SELL your Books to ANYONE by T. Taylor.

I’m 69% of the way through this book, and I have to say that I’m learning a lot and having fun at the same time. Theodora is an energetic and enthusiastic writer, and it’s hard not to get pulled into her happy vibe.

Universal Fantasy isn’t so much about tropes–enemies to lovers is a trope, one I LOVE–as it is about human drives and secret desires (that’s my understanding of it). Hmm. This is why it takes a book to get the point across. The Universal Fantasy of my Deniable Unit Series is all about deadly justice. The untouchable bad guys finally getting their comeuppance.

This is a book I will keep close at hand as I outline, write, and market my books.

7 Figure Fiction on Kobo (£4.99 on Kobo)

7 Figure Fiction on Kindle (£3.99 on Kindle)

The Fun Read

Rocky Road by Anne Stuart

I think this is one of Anne Stuart’s old books from the nineties. I don’t care how old it is; I don’t care if the references are outdated; I don’t even care if it isn’t romantic suspense. It’s an enemies-to-lovers written by my favourite author, making it a one-click buy for me.

WARNING: I’m going to be totally upfront here; throughout this What I’m Reading series, you will see Anne Stuart’s name repeatedly. I’ve yet to find another author who comes close to her skills. She is just that good.

Rocky Road on Kobo (£3.49 on Kobo)

Rocky Road on Kindle (£3.49 on Kindle)

The Me-Time Read

Ahead of the Curve by Jenny Rushmore

I’ve been playing with the sewing machine (we call him Brandon) for a wee while on and off. And, with the severe lack of clothing choice that lasts more than a blink, I want to make my own clothes. Clothes that I actually like and that fit me. The shoulders on my tops are three sizes too big, the hips too small, the chest is the only area that fits.

That’s where this gem of a book comes in. There’s so much I didn’t know that I didn’t know about clothes making. Oh, gods, and the mental gymnastics involved. But this book is making what seems like the inside of Sheldon Cooper’s mind a lot easier to understand.

So, if you’ve ever wanted to make a pattern work for your body–no matter your size–I think this book will come in handy. Plus, there are five free pdf patterns to download!

Ahead of the Curve on Kindle (£8.96)

I’d love to hear what your reading plans are for the next week…

Until next time, take care, and happy reading!


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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22 responses to “What I’m Reading 7th January

  1. Stefanie Neumann Avatar

    I can relate so much to the clothing problem and really wish I’d be better in sowing. So, please know that I utterly admire you for attempting to create your own!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      I’m slowly getting better. I made some V-shaped pillowcases last week that I’m really proud of, and a skirt for a teddy bear. I’ll let you know how it goes with human sized clothes when I get the nerve up.

      1. Stefanie Neumann Avatar

        Yes, please do!

        And congratulations to the special pillowcases as well as the teddy bear skirt! That’s awesome!

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        Thank you, Stefanie!

  2. Judy Avatar

    I’ve made my own clothes. It certainly isn’t the cheapest, but it is satisfying.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      This is my first attempt at clothes. Yeah, material is expensive but I got some remnants on eBay for a fraction it would cost new from a shop. Plus, clothes in the UK are cheap throw away stuff that costs a fortune. Hopefully, I’ll find making my own as satisfying as you did. ?

      1. Judy Avatar

        Remember to factor in the cost of your time when figuring the price. 🙂 Have fun!

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        Yeah, the time… it’s the prep work that takes me ages… and then the ironing ?

      3. Judy Avatar

        Ugh…one of my least favorite activities. 😀

      4. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        But so worth it… or so I keep telling myself ?

  3. Chris Hall Avatar

    I’m always interested to browse other people’s reading matter. An interesting trio, Susan. That first book sounds useful! I’m sure the sewing book is too, although my skills are limited to ‘taking up’ and ‘taking in’ (the latter a first for me this year).
    You’ve probably seen I post all my reviews on GR and link them to my blog. I’m reading a MG book this weekend: ‘Noah and the Solar Powered Ark’ by Cape Town author, Jill Morsbach. I’m tagging on the tail of its launch at a local bookstore next weekend! – That’s right a live launch event!!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Your sewing skills seem far more advanced than mine are at the moment. I can do the taking up, but a bit chicken on the taking in bit–congrats on that one!
      MG? I’m not familiar with that genre. What is it? Is it a kids book–going by the title?
      Ooo, a live launch! I hope you have a great time (and safe).

      1. Chris Hall Avatar

        MG = middle grade – a guess it’s an American term, although used here too – roughly between 8 and 12 years.
        I’m really looking forward to tomorrow . Masks will be worn, although I’ve already had a brush with covid before Christmas, courtesy of my mother who brought it home from the rehab clinic (broken ankle to clarify).

      2. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        I’m so sorry about your mum–ankle and covid. I hope you didn’t have it too bad? How are you both now?
        Are you thinking of moving into children’s books? I think you have a real knack for it–especially with your ongoing Faeries story.

      3. Chris Hall Avatar

        Both fine now, covid-wise, thanks. All I had was a headache for a couple of days. Mom threw it off after some serious meds and she was looking much stronger when I saw her today – moonboot off on Thursday.
        Thanks for the lovely compliment about Faeries, Susan. To tell you the truth, I’m not sure where to go with my next project. I’m thinking fantasy but not aimed at kids. I might see what Sinead and Moonsprite are up to (remember them?), although I don’t want to go all YA. Meantime I’ve been toying with the idea of a poetry collection, but I’m not sure there either. Before I can do anything I need to chivvy up by cover designer for this sequel I’m trying to get out. ?

      4. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

        I’m so glad to hear that you’re both better–your mum getting better–now.

        I certainly do remember Sinead and Moonsprite.

        I think YA is an odd “genre”. From what I’ve heard it’s been taken over by middle aged women who are demanding that the teenage MCs have graphic sex on the page. It’s just ?
        Don’t get me wrong, I have no issues with graphic sex in novels–I write it with gusto in mine–but leave the YA books the way the intended audience liked them.

        I think a poetry collection is a great idea. I can’t remember the author’s name, but she did really well releasing one a couple of years ago. If I can remember her name, I’ll pass it on to you.

        Good luck on the cover. I’m sure they’re just trying to get it just right for you.

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