Happy March, Everyone! I’ve been counting down the days for the new month to begin. I know; I’m getting over-excited and neglecting to say why. Let me start by saying I had one hell of a week working on Running the Asset.
One reason for my excitement is that my first interview went live yesterday on Marsha Ingrao’s site, alwayswrite.blog. I had a lot of fun answering her questions. If you want to learn more about me, take a keek at my interview.

Review 24th February – 2nd March 2022
Here’s what last week’s goals looked like:
- Complete Act III’s blocking for future editing/rewrites
- Apply lessons on Universal Fantasies from 7 Figure Fiction to the scene level as I re-block.
- Create a timeline of the main story events.
- Fill out my spreadsheet highlighting where all the secrets, lies, and other threads appear in the story.
How Did It Go?
Last week’s goals were more than I thought I could realistically accomplish. But I pushed through and got it all done–the fuck-ton of coffee was a huge help.
Not only did I get it done, but I also had a blast doing it. Everything came together far better than I had initially hoped. I think one of the reasons I’d avoided finishing the blocking of the story in the first place was because I feared that I couldn’t do justice to the story in my head. Even working on it last week, I panicked that it wouldn’t be what I envisaged. I was right; what I have on my blocking sheets is better than planned.
As I worked through the climax, I started to get giddy. So giddy that I had to walk away from the work for fear of spilling coffee over my pages. You know the kind of giddy when you go all clappy hands when the hero and heroine are just sparking like crazy? Or is that a me thing? Well, I do this when I read my favourite authors. I’ve never experienced it with my own work before.

The other reason I’m so excited for March to finally be here is all down to a goal I set myself at the start of January. The aim was to get the whole story entirely blocked out, with all the new plot changes, by the first workday of March (for me, that’s Thursday the 3rd) so that I could get back to the writing!
So, for the first time this year, I’m getting comfy, opening Scrivener, and getting stuck into the writing!
This Week’s Writing Goals
- Add 3,000 words to Running the Asset’s manuscript, taking it to 84,675.
See you all soon!
That’s it for today. Thanks for stopping by, and take care.
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