I’m changing things up a bit this week. Instead of having three books in rotation–a work read, a fun read, and a me read–I’m going with just the two.
After several weeks, I’ve finally finished my work read Writing for Emotional Impact on Kindle. The book is chock-full of fantastic writing tips on eliciting emotion via dialogue, context, and word choice. There’s also basic writing advice on theme, scene structure and character.
With it taking me so long to read and make notes, I need a break from reading about the craft of writing–for a week, if I can last that long–so I can let what I’ve learned sink in. (That just means more time to read my other books!)
[FYI: The book links are free from affiliate codes.]
The Fun Read
Still Lake by Anne Stuart
I’m around 25% of the way through Still Lake, and I’m loving it. Well, I’m not loving the heroine’s constant baking… I want the muffins! I don’t care that it’s fiction or that I’m in bed, give me the damned muffins.
The story so far is intriguing and so vividly told (without lengthy descriptions, yay!) that it’s like watching a movie. As I get deeper into the story and learn more about the decades-old murders, I’m left with more questions about the crimes and the hero’s past.
Still Lake on Kobo (£1.49 on Kobo)
Still Lake on Kindle (£1.49 on Kindle)
The Me-Time Read
I didn’t get a chance to read this book last week, but I hope to remedy that now the work read isn’t dominating my reading time.
A Spy’s Guide to Strategy on Kindle (£4.63 or free with Kindle Unlimited)
What are your reading plans for the next week…
Until next time, take care, and happy reading!
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