Last week saw a massive turnaround for me and my re-blocking of Running the Asset. Let’s dive straight in!

Review 3rd to 9th February 2022
Last week’s goals looked like this:
- Complete Act I’s blocking for future editing/rewrites
- Block the first half of Act II (a) for future editing/rewrites
- Apply lessons on Universal Fantasies from 7 Figure Fiction to the scene level as I re-block.
How Did It Go?
I had a fantastic week. It was as if putting it out on the blog that I was still struggling with blocking–even though I used to love it while screenwriting–removed the block. Pardon the pun.
And, I’ll be honest, the support I’ve had from all of you really made me want to up my game.
Instead of telling you that I got some or even all of last week’s goals completed, I get to tell you that I did more! In fact, whereas I’d aimed to get to the 50% mark in Act II (a), I blasted by that and hit 70%. Woohoo!
This Week’s Writing Goals
Building on the back of last week’s success, and praying that my newfound scene blocking bravery is here to stay, I’m going to push myself a bit. The reason? We’ve taken Jez’s birthday week off (next week), and I plan on enjoying some time away from the story. Therefore, it’d be nice to do that with the lion’s share of the blocking complete.
Here’s the goal list:
- Complete Act II (a)’s blocking for future editing/rewrites
- Block the whole of Act II (b) for future editing/rewrites
- Apply lessons on Universal Fantasies from 7 Figure Fiction to the scene level as I re-block.
That’s it for today. Thanks for stopping by, and take care.
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