It’s been a bit of a crazy week timewise, so I was ecstatic to that find the book I chose last week was a short one! (I know it’s only Monday, but that’s my Friday ??)
[FYI: The book links are free from affiliate codes.]
My Last Read
The Busy Writer’s Self-Editing Toolbox
As I mentioned, this book is a short one, but it’s not short on information. If this was an album, it would be “all killer; no filler”–Marg McAlister doesn’t do fluff or pad pages.
Although aimed more at newbies to editing than at more seasoned writers, this book even has handy tips for those of us who are professional editors. One key tip I took away from the book was colour-coding… for everything.
She advises us to colour-code to catch repetition in sentence starters, sentence structure, assessing the balance in dialogue, etc. It’s a tip I’ll employ when I’m into the more technical edits for Running the Asset.
Another thing I took from the book is, “woohoo, someone else edits the same way I do!” I’ve mentioned in other posts that I edit in passes, and within those passes are more passes–think nesting dolls of passes. Marg calls them by a different name to me, but the passes are the very same as the method I use. Phew!
[This book doesn’t focus on developmental editing, the big picture edit, it’s more of a light copy/technical edit–sentence structure, word choice, dialogue etc.]
If you’re looking for a quick but detailed guide to technical editing, or want a quick refresher, then you couldn’t go wrong with this book.
Self-Editing Toolbox on Kindle (£2.99)
Self-Editing Toolbox on Kobo (£1.99)
This Week’s Read
Edit Your Own Romance Novel
I’ve heard great things about this book from other romance writers. From a quick glance, it looks like this book deals with developmental editing.
This practical, step-by-step guide will give your manuscript the structure, pace and the emotional hit today’s romance readers are looking for.
This editing book will be your new best friend. It will show you the best methods for Backburning Backstory. It will make sure your romance novel has The 13 Main Scenes (and what needs to be in them) and show you how to ramp up your powerfully emotional scenes with The Staircase of Turning Points.
From Amazon
Edit Your Own Romance Novel on Kindle (£4.10)
Edit Your Own Romance Novel on Kobo (£3.99)

What are you reading this week?
Until next time, take care, and happy reading!
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