For many, many, many months, I’ve been working on the edits for Running the Asset. Much of the work I’ve been doing lately involves research, confirming facts, and location scouting. It’s been a fun but time-consuming part of the job.
Not only has it been necessary for the story’s verisimilitude, but it’s also helped me connect with the characters on a far deeper level. It’s a process I want to streamline for future books in the series.
I mentioned this desire to my wonderful husband, Jez, and he came up with a great idea. Post to Cee’s FOTD challenge–he’s been posting his amazing flowers for several years now! (Give both Jez and Cee a follow to fill your day with stunning photos.)
Okay, why would I post to a Flower of the Day challenge to help with romantic suspense novel research? Well, my next heroine, Bron, is a florist (with some kick-ass moves).
So, to add a little beauty to your day and sneak in some low-grade research while building a deeper connection with Bron, I’m going to post some beautiful flower photos (fingers crossed) each day.
Here’s my first FOTD:

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