Everyone has complaints. These grievances are like personal signals that something in your life needs to change. It can be something small, like changing where you shop because you can’t stand the layout, or it could be significant, like needing to quit your job. The more we complain about something, the more attention we need to pay to it.
The Universal Grievance: Time
I can sum up the culprit of my discontent in one word: time. It’s a commodity there’s never enough of. There are far too many demands on it. And tasks take way more time than planned, stretching endlessly into the distance.
The Irony of Time Management
Addressing this scarcity ironically consumes more of this precious resource, perpetuating the cycle. But I’ve stumbled upon an unexpected truth: tackling my workaholic tendencies unlocks more time. It’s a paradox I’ve discovered and embraced through the teachings of The Artist’s Way.
Morning Pages: My Daily Time Therapy

Daily Morning Pages, a ritual of three pages of stream-of-consciousness writing, helps me shed a lot of the issues plaguing me. This small act of reflection slows the ticking of the clock down, granting me a clearer mind and a more focused approach to my tasks for the day.
The Art of Slowing Down

Another suggestion from the book is to take time out to do fun things. There’s something magical about indulging in seemingly frivolous activities. Whether it’s crafting planner stickers, luxuriating in a bubble bath, or meandering through a craft shop. Moments like these are a way of pressing pause on life’s stopwatch, giving the soul a breather.
Unraveling the Knot of Artistic Fear
Over time, I’ve discovered the deeper issue: artistic fear. It’s the root cause of my workaholism and, in turn, my constant scrutiny of the clock. Time and overwork are merely the external symptoms of this fear.
Braving the Page: The Antidote to My Complaint
Facing this fear means showing up to the page, sharing my writing, and standing firm regardless of the outcome. It’s in this exposure, this willingness to step into the light, that healing and improvement begin. So, here I am, ready to reclaim time, one word at a time.
What do you complain about the most? What steps are you taking to address it? Dive into the comments and share your stories of combatting life’s little (or big) grievances.
Stay awesome!
Susan x
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