Things in Scots #2: Skite

Welcome to day two of Things in Scots!—a fun collaboration with my husband, Jez.

Today’s word is one of my favorites: Skite.

Skite means to slide or slip on a slippy surface. It also means throw, to send something whipping through the air, bounce, and to hit (here’s the full definition).

The reason it’s one of my favorite words is how it’s used:

Did at stane jist skite aff yer heid? (Did that stone just bounce off your head?)

Mine an watch ye dinnae skite oan e ice. (Be careful not to slip on the ice.)

My favorite version (variant?) of skite is skitie. Skitie means slippery.

Dae ye wint tae play skitie-skitie? (Mebbe jist ma faimilie ?) Do you want to play air hockey? (Maybe that’s just my family ?)

Thenks fur stoapin by, and hae a wunnerfu day. (Mind an gie Jez’s post a keek.)

Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful day. (Remember to check out Jez’s post.)

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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8 responses to “Things in Scots #2: Skite

  1. jezbraithwaite Avatar

    Love skitie-skitie ?

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Only because you always win ?

  2. […] and welcome to December’s project: Things in Scots. This month I am collaborating with my wife, Susan (? follow this link to see her post), and we’ll be posting daily — Things in Scots […]

  3. bushboy Avatar

    Around my place the gravel on the slopes is skitie

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Gravelly slopes ?

  4. Chris Hall Avatar

    My favourite Scottish words are ‘stoochie’ and ‘strammash’ (apologies if they’re miss-spelled I’ve never tried to write those words before!!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Strammash is a good one, but stookie is one of my all-time faves. (Don’t worry about the spellings. With Scots not being taught to most of us as kids–thankfully, that’s changed now–we’re all learning.) Your comment has inspired tomorrow’s post ?

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