What I’m Reading 21st January

It’s Friday, and this week’s reads are old ones found on my Kindle or Kobo ‘To be read’ pile or are re-reads. Again, I’ve got three great reads on the go: a work read, a fun read, and a me-time read. The me-time one…? Yeah, it’s a bit different.

[FYI: The book links are free from affiliate codes.]

The Work Read

I’m still working my way through this book by my old screenwriting instructor at UCLA Extension, Karl Iglesias. 13% in, and I’ve had multiple lightbulb moments and so many memories of the great lessons from his class.

Writing for Emotional Impact on Kindle (£4.99 )

The Fun Read

Nightfall by Anne Stuart

Anne Stuart never disappoints! I can’t stop turning the page to find out the truth, even though I read this book about five years ago. I may not remember the truth behind the murder of the hero’s wife and kids–he’s the only suspect–but I do recall this same ‘can’t stop reading’ feeling from back then.

I’m 34% in (start of Act II (a), if you’re interested in story structure), and I know that the deeper I get into this book, the less likely I am to sleep. This story is a masterclass in holding the reader’s attention, maintaining tension without reader fatigue, and creating empathy for a questionable hero.

Nightfall on Kobo (£4.59 on Kobo)

Nightfall on Kindle (£4.59 on Kindle)

The Me-Time Read

I finished reading Ahead of the Curve by Jenny Rushmore, and I can’t wait to try out some of the sneaky sewing alterations I’ve learned through her invaluable book.

But it’s on to a new ‘me-time’ read… something a wee bit more sneaky than fiddling with patterns to make them fit. This week I’m going with one of my favourite subjects: spies!

I don’t just love them in the books I read and write or the shows I watch–looking at you, Burn Notice. I love all things spy-related.

John Braddock, a former CIA case officer, shares the basics of game theory and how it applies to situations spies may or may not have been involved in.

A Spy’s Guide to Thinking on Kindle (£2.31 or free with Kindle Unlimited)

I’d love to hear your reading plans for the next week…

Until next time, take care, and happy reading!


About Me

Hi! I’m Scottish author Susan Tippett Braithwaite. I craft romantic suspense stories featuring Sex, Lies, Scots & Spies where danger and desire meet with explosive results.

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7 responses to “What I’m Reading 21st January

  1. Chris Hall Avatar

    Another week gone already!

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      I know. Why is it going so fast? Where’s the pause button?

      1. Chris Hall Avatar

        When you find it, chuck it over here!

  2. Stefanie Neumann Avatar

    Well, I am admiring you for having a reading list, as you know.
    As you also know, personally I do not have one… But I love to see your enthusiasm and also, quite interesting to see that book from your teacher. Very intriguing.

    1. Susan T. Braithwaite Avatar

      Thanks, Stefanie!

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