


Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #5 — Call

Week 5: Call

Welcome to Week 5 of the Friday Fiction Writing Challenge! Here’s a complete list of all the posts so far if you’d like to join in.

This week’s random word is: Call.

I didn’t have much time to dilly-dally on the challenge today. The site was down for a couple of days while I moved from to So, I pretty much just got my head down and let my imagination do its job.

Here’s my first sprint (unedited):

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Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #4 — Map

Week 4: Map

Welcome to Week 4 of the Friday Fiction Writing Challenge! Here’s a complete list of all the posts so far if you’d like to join in.

This week’s random word is: Map.

Before starting the timer this week, I found it challenging to just get myself to focus on the task at hand. I ended up resorting to an old favorite: the Pomodoro technique.

The Pomodoro technique, if you don’t already know, is a way of working in short intervals. Usually in twenty-five-minute segments with a five-minute break.

For this challenge, I set a five-minute timer with a ten-minute break in between. So, five for the first sprint, a break, then another five for the second sprint.

Here’s the (unedited) result of the first sprint:

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Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #3 — Backpack

Week 3: Backpack
Welcome to Week 3 of the Friday Fiction Writing Challenge!

This week’s random word is: Backpack.

This week’s word was a little easier for me to work with as backpacks can hold so much—weekend gear, camping gear, food, drink, a severed head. So, as with the other weeks, I took the word and wrote about it for a five-minute sprint.

Here’s the result (unedited):

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Genre Scribes: Friday Fiction Writing Challenge #2 — Zoo

Welcome to Week 2 of the Friday Fiction Writing Challenge!

This week’s random word is: Zoo.

Just like last time, I took the randomly generated word and wrote about it for five minutes. This was a tough one. I stared at the cursor for almost half of the allotted time before my brain kicked in with something.

Here’s the result (unedited):

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