Welcome to the first Things in Scots of 2023! It’s so great to be back doing these. I thought I’d give my old 2019 format a go for a change. That format being text with companion audio.
This week’s Scots word is wheech. The excerpt is from my current work-in-progress (WIP), Running the Asset.
Here’s the snippet (unedited):
Adam needed more of her, all of her. He wanted to take it all and then some. There were too many layers of clothes between them. It wouldn’t take much to wheech Elle’s skirt up around her waist, shove his jeans down, and sink deep into her heat. But he didn’t want fast. This time he wanted her slow, wanted to make it so that she never forgot him even after he was long gone.
Running the Asset (Deniable Unit Book 1)
Were you able to guess what wheech means in this context?
Wheech, in the context of the snippet, means to remove something with speed (and often force).
There are several other meanings for the word. You can check them out on the Dictionar o the Scots Leid:
That’s it for this week.
I hope you enjoyed this post. I’d love to hear your comments on how easy or difficult it was to get the gist of wheech as it appeared in the quote.
If you find yourself inspired by the Scots words I share, drop a link to your post in the comments. Remember to add the tag #TiS or #ThingsinScots to your writing/art/photo post. I’d love to see what you come up with.
Want to see more Scots posts? Check out the original series, Things in Scots.
Thanks for reading. Take care, and I hope to see you next week for more Things in Scots on Fiction Friday!

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