I’m back from my holiday and raring to get back to work on Running the Asset!
Well, holiday is a wee bit of a stretch. I had a total of three days from
what was supposed to be nine days off.
Where Did All the Time Go?
By the time I’d posted last week’s journal update, I’d stolen two holiday days to
finish Act II (b)’s blocking. And knowing that I still had to transpose the note version of Act II (b) to my blocking sheets, I couldn’t let it go and ended up yoinking another day to complete the task–it was either that or slowly go insane as it whispered to me non-stop.
The other three lost days were down to working on a writing project for an outside party who had decided to make their screw up my emergency… and then
downgrading said emergency to a “whenever you’ve got time” thing–you know, after I had completed the work.
Unfortunately, these things happen in life. It was frustrating, to put it mildly, but it wasn’t a complete waste of time. The experience inspired this Friday’s stand-in for my What I’m Reading post.
Plus, it made me view my downtime as sacrosanct, which in turn made me
determined to get out and enjoy the rest of our holiday. (Even if that meant a cycling detour through mud and silt and floodwaters ?)

This Week’s Writing Goals
- Complete Act III’s blocking for future editing/rewrites
- Apply lessons on Universal Fantasies from 7 Figure Fiction to the scene level as I re-block.
- Create a timeline of the main story events.
- Fill out my spreadsheet highlighting where all the secrets, lies, and other threads appear in the story.
That’s it for today. Thanks for stopping by, and take care.
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